The ninth ressurection

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Canada sat down in front of Antarctica, "so, was it worth it?"
     "Yeah, I only need to hang three more dolls. Unfortunately Romano won't be dying, but I think leaving him alone should be punishment enough."
     "When did you stop taking your medication?"
     "A year ago... He told me that the pills were rotting my brain, so I stopped."
     "Why are you killing everyone?"
     "He is, I'm saving you. I trapped the souls in the dolls so that he can't hurt you once you get to the spirit realm. Everyone's ok, I didn't hurt them. They're all enjoying themselves. I created a subconscious wonderland for them. The dolls are the door ways."
     Canada sighed, "and Britain?"
     "He's fine, but even if we did the proper steps to bring him back, it wouldn't work."
     "Oh.. So all you need to do is hang the last three dolls? Belarus, myself, and..."
     "I plan on joining you. Romano can't though, he's immune to most everything I do. Once his whole body freezes, it'll reverse. I think it's the same for you, but I might still be able to take you with me." He lifted a hand up as far as it could go, "I want to set us all free. Please, I know how your magic works, you can undo this." He shook the chains around.
     "I want to Alister, but.."
     "I turned their bodies into ice, just carve out a map of their nation and place the doll on the capital. Then they're free."
     "Thanks brother, that's all I needed to know"

     "Why do you even want Alaska?" Canada asked America.
"I want to know what it feels like to be so cold."
"It feels normal, but is Russia going to let you buy from him?"
"If he didn't want to sell it, then it wouldn't be so cheap!" America protested, "besides, I could use some more states."
"How many do you want?"
"50, 60, even 100 would be nice."
"What's the point of having so much land?"
"Military bases. You know, the normal."
"America, that's not normal! Life isn't all about domination!"
"If you're ever given the power to rule the world, you wouldn't. Even if you were the last one on earth!"
"And you would bomb a spider. Seriously America, I understand, you like having states, just as I like my provinces and territories, but 50? Don't you think that that's a bit much?"
"Canada, you're too passive. I dare you to control the world just once. It doesn't matter how long, but you still gotta do it!"
"That's something you can't even do!"
"Oh, I can do it. It wouldn't be that hard even. So trust me, if I could do it, so can you."

Canada unlocked Antarctica's shackles, "Fine. Do your worst." He watched as Antarctica ran off. Canada walked up to Romano and told him how to bring someone back. Romano ran off to find the map of Spain that he had carved earlier to test it out.
Mathew felt his body start to chip away, his body festered and chipped. Broken shards fell to the ground. It burned, but the pain was surprisingly bearable. He fell to the ground as more of his body broke apart. The pain increased drastically. Canada felt like he was being torn apart and ripped to shreds from the inside. He screamed in agony as more and more shards broke off his body.
When all life was stripped from him, the shards splayed out in a way that no one would be able to tell who he once was.

At first it was bright. He looked up, struggling to adjust to the light.
"Mathew! You've decided to join us! Oui oui, this is fantastic!" France was the first face he saw. He looked around. He was in a field and in front of him, he recognized Britain and America. It seemed that they were having a picnic.
"Mathew! It's so good to see you again; I was worried that you'd never arrive!" Britain exclaimed.
"Of course he was going to come here, everyone dies eventually." America retorted. He helped Canada sit up, "but I agree, it's nice to see you again brother!"
Canada smiled at the sight of his family all well and getting along.

Romano placed his little Spain doll on the capital. He waited in anticipation as the map and doll started to glow. Both flew into the air and conjoined together and glowed even brighter. Spain appeared before him once the light settled down.
"Antonio!" Romano cried as he ran up to Spain. He hugged him with as much force as he could.
"You're choking me!" Spain coughed out, "you're acting like I died!"
"You did! You died and I was alone! How could you!"
"I don't remember dying Roma, now, why are we in a frozen wasteland?" He looked around confused, "and what time is it?"
"Almost night, it's June 18th." Romano was just as confused now, "do you not remember freezing? Shattering? Even your afterlife?"
"No, I went to bed in April and now I'm here."
Romano shook his head in disbelief, "all right, well anyway, we gotta bring everyone back to life." He instructed Spain on what to do. The pair then started bringing everyone back.
In a few hours more nations were back, Romano and Spain instructed them on what to do. More and more came back until all that was left was Canada, England, and France.

Sirens blared, Canada, England, and France hid in a bunker underneath France's home. The world was shaking and falling apart around them.
France screamed in pain as his body liquified and evaporated. Canada watched in horror. Earlier it had happened to America, and just like the time before, it was traumatizingly sad.
England started screaming too, but this time it was different. His body was ripped to shreds as he bawled in pain. Blood spattered everywhere, some even got on Canada.
Canada felt his body burn in irreversible pain. He watched in horror, pain, and awe as his body evaporated.

America stared in shock as what was supposed to be Britain turned out to be a bloody mess. There before him included muscle tissue, an eye, some hair, fat, a few bones, even his jaw. The sight was truly one that no one could ever erase from their minds. Tattered clothing remained in the gory heap as well as what once was Britain's shoe. America puked.
"You said it would bring him back!" He shouted at Romano.
"Did you now see the rest of his body in the cave?"
"That was him?!"

A glowing light signaled Canada's return. Romano hugged him, "welcome back!"
"That's odd, where am I?" He asked, he couldn't remember any reason for Romano to enjoy his company this much and was very confused, "Romano? What's happening? Why is the sun only now going down?" He pushed Romano off, "thanks for not insulting me, but I gotta go find Russia." He walked off.
Romano felt crushed that someone he'd gotten really close to could just run off like that.
Canada hugged and kissed Russia. The happy couple was reunited once more.
Every nation, though confused, celebrated their return to the world. All but America and Romano. America grieved over the loss of Britain, and Romano fussed to Spain about getting home.

Antarctica watched from a distance. He held his doll close to him. His attempts to make them all suffer had failed. He looked up at the sky and was reminded of the ozone layer in the sky. If he was to get rid of it, everyone would burn to death. In ten years everyone would be wiped away. He smiled and even started to laugh as he ripped his doll to shreds. He would get them back, and this time they'd stay dead.

A young white haired boy sat at a large table. The adult nations decided what to do with him.
"It would kill people to live down there." Germany stated.
"Then I suppose we make it a no man's land?" China asked.
"Better than letting our people freeze to death. I say we just leave the continent be. If we really need to go there then we will, but it should belong to no one." Britain declared.
"I agree!" Germany responded.

"Can I decide my own future?" Antarctica asked.
"No kiddo, you're far too young for such decisions." Britain stated.

Canada visited Russia. The places the two went were simply stunning. Canada remembered the freezes, he remembered everything, but he found it was better to pretend nothing ever happened. Romano could deal with the horrors on his own, after all, Romano had Spain to help him now.

In ten years, the world was nothing. But that's a story for a different time. Be on the lookout for the sequel, Hetalia the burning planet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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