Apocalypse Of Sun

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Percy POV

"Perce! I heard you even got demeter!" tratraus shouted in his 7 year old form, I just nodded "Well reward time!"

 I find it pretty wierd, after dad watched a movie of a psychopathic kid muderer he loved the form of a 7 year old, and yeah it looks sick when he tortures prisoners, I wonder what will happen if a human saw him probaly A 7 year old muderer, help!.

He stoped at a random door, I Don't have a room cause I don't sleep it is a sign of exhaust, he opened it and I saw the most important people in my life who I thought were dead.

"PERCY!" shouted....sally jackson


I dont know why but when ever I'm near mom and paul, I feel like my emotions are back, when I asked dad he said "Family...is a strong force" I glared at him "Pfttt, I can't talk mysteriously can I" my glare got harder "kay fine, aether blessed you so when ever you are near them, pestro" if I had any feelings I would have been touched, before I could thank him he cut me off.

"Anyway, I got you new target"

"who" my mind was chanting the same thing over and over, please be an olympian.

"before that" he raised his hand and a screen appeared in the air, my eyes widened before the sight.

It was a forest but...the trees didn't had any leaves and looked ready to die, the grass were grey as if they lost the will to live, I saw a buck tring to find fresh grass.

"you did this" I stared at dad like he said hades was a big ball of sunshine.

"what" I manage to squeak out. he rolled his eyes "Every god major or miner, there powers are connected to one olympian, for example pan's power were connected to demeter's, and you killed her so whoevers powers were connected to her will also fade" I gave a smart reply "I knew that"

"sure you did"

I was about to reply when "anyway, your target is....."


Apollo POV

phew, pulling the sun sure is tough, I made my way to my awesome palace, I looked up and saw my twin sister pulling the moon, pulling the sun is tougher, I thought as I entered the palace.

I looked around to find someone, none, the whole palace was silent, that is impossible, normaly my immortal children would be all around the palace fighting, talking, partying yada yada yada.

This was getting creepy, as if everyone decided to leave me alone, "pffft, that would never happen" I said out loud.

I stood in front of my room, normaly thinking about my room would make me smile, it was quater the size of the olympian throne room with everything a teenager would want but..right now there was a feeling of dread.

I opened the door and saw something that would haunt me my entire immortal life.


there was a dim blood red light keeping the horrifing sight visible, red blood splashed all around the room, lifeless dead bodies hanging from the walls and all around the floor, there eyes were removed and there mouthes were stiched with big black clothes, the worst thing, they were my immortal and my demigod children.

Tears streamed down my face, I tried to walk forward but my knees buckeled and I fell to my knees. For the first time I noticed the wall opposite to my door, something was writen there with blood it said :

Don't worry I enjoyed killing them.

I stared at it in horror, why would someone do this, 

"For revenge" a voice said from behind me, I looked back only to be met by a kick-to-face. It was so strong it send me to the other side of my room. I coughed and touched my jaw, it had been dislocated. I quickly healed it and saw the person who kicked me.

He was about 6'2 and was wearing all black hooded robes with stripes of blood red, his hood went till his forehead and was wearing a mask that came till his nose, his eyes unnerved me, abyss dark, if you look in them it looked like the end of my immortal life, endless, thats the correct word, endless.

I heard a clanking of blades and erupted...wings from his back, they were also abyss black which maked him even more....deadly, but those wings weren't made of feathers nor scales, it was metal, it looked extremly thin but looked like it could even cut through the curse of achilles, they were put like feathers on a eagle.

My confussion turned into rage, this guy had killed all my children. I turned into my godly form, when the lights died, I looked down as I was about 16 ft tall now. He looked at me with emotionless eyes, without wasting anymore time I notched 3 arrows and send them flying at him, see when you are a archer you wait for the enemy to charge you.

He didn't move at all, but his wings did, his wings wraped around him like a pupa and deflected all the arrows, his wings insteadly spread on a full lenght of 6 ft realsing a wave of powerful air. I grited my teeth and annoyance got the best of me, I switched my hieght to 5'11, now you are wondering why did I turn small, it was obivious that he was fast, so if I store my full godly powers in a small form I will be able to use my godly teleport-vanish-thing for close combat.

I took out my golden hunting knife, now or never that was my thought before sprinting towards him with unbelievable speed even for a god.

Split second, all in a split second, I charged him only to get beaten, His hand was on my throat, but for some reason there was golden ichor flowing down. Hidden blades, wow, no wonder my sister calls me an idiot.

"whats your name" that was the only thing I could learn before dying.

His emotionless eyes looked at me in the eye for a trick, when he found none he said 

"Λυπηρά δολοφόνος"

'Λυπηρά δολοφόνος', greek for 'sorrowful killer'. I knew it, emptiness in your eyes is the same as sorrow, before my body went limp I said

"cool name"


Artemis POV

I flashed near the place my hunters have set camp, I frowned something had happened to hades and demeter, the forest looks like it lost the reason to live, and the disturbing note zeus got along with hades and demeter's weapons.

two down, twelve to go

I had a strange feeling that ment us. I was walking through the forest when I noticed the place was darkning, the sun's light was going down already, what was that good for nothing brother of mine was doing, first he didn't show up on the meeting and now he is going lazy! I looked and gasped.

The sun was getting dark spots in it as if it is dying, the sun became fully dark but not some parts, when I looked clearly I saw that it was forming into words, I triped in complete shock, I looked again it said

three down, eleven to go

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2013 ⏰

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