Chapter 11: I Love You I Have Loved You All Along(WARNING LEMON PART 1)

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Sonic carried his darker counterpart to the tent and laid him down inside. Shadow growled. "Now....just because your the prince, makes you think your the dominate male? I think not!" Shadow flips him over, pinning him to the floor. The azure prince groaned back. "Your no fun, Thief." Shadow leaned forward and kissed Sonic on the cheek. He sat up, beside Shadow, breaking the kiss briefly, but immediately reconnects with his ruby-eyed partner.

Their breath hitched as their kisses grew more intense. Shadow pulled away and he looked at Sonic with lustful eyes. " Why did you pull away?" Sonic asked. Shadow leaned forward and licked his neck, nippng it gently. "I want to know if your ready.." He tenses up. "Ready for what?"

"The best night of your life."

Sonic pulls away. "Uh, NO. Dude, firstly, we are at the same level, alright, and secondly, I should be the one over-powering you, not the other way around."

Shadow's pov
I growl at Sonic's stupidity. He should know I am stronger than he will ever imagine me to be! And a lot lower intelligence. My thoughts race against me as I stare at him.  His emerald-jade eyes sparkle in amusement. I growl, and pin him to the ground. "You won't get the best of me, Your Highness." And before he can protest, I slam my lips against his, kissing him with all of my anger, wanting to hurt him. I feel his body respond to my kiss, and I rub my hands on his side, and on his waist, and eventually, into his pant, feeling that little nub that all REAL men have. Huh, he's hard already I think, and then realize something. Wasn't he suppose to marry.....Ah never mind, too much to care. I pull away and he moans, his face red and his dick getting harder than it already was. I felt mine teasing the pants, and it kinda hurt. He saw what was going on and pinned me to the floor, having a very sexy looking smile on his face. "I hope you enjoy this, because this will be the only one you get." He teased.

Sonic's POV

I saw Shadow's cock get hard exceptionally fast, and I wasn't getting anything done with my own issue, so I decided to have a little fun on my own. I pulls his pants down, and find his beautiful and very hard, yet at the same time, soft looking dick. I had never seen another guy's cock, unless you count all the magazines I read that were is the garbage outside the gay pub a few blocks away from the castle. I put my hand around it, not sure of what to do, because of being a virgin, to gay relationships that is, I didn't know what I was doing. But I guess I was doing something right, considering Shadow's face made a very pleased yet at the same time very shocked face. "Shad? Are you ok?" He looks down at me, his ruby-amber eyes staring back into mine. "I-I'm so-sorry....I have never had this done to me...." So he IS a virgin, like me....kinda like me.... I suddenly had an epiphany. I leaned my head down to his penis and wrapped my mouth around it, taking his full length in my mouth. He moaned, not wanting to, but it escaped his lips any way. I bobbed my head up and down, figuring out how to do this.

Shadow's POV

Oh my god......Sonic is amazing..... I moan, enjoying feeling his hot, wet mouth around my cock for the first time, ever.

To Be Continued....

Sorry my dudes!

I have been having a hard time being able to keep my mind on this, not forgetting it, but just the story line.

I will update as I can...


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