Hitman Jones

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((I was Japan in this roleplay))

This is a conversation between Hitman Jones and yourself, Kiku Honda [Japan].

Hitman Jones: "Hiya, Kiku!"

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "Konnichiwa."

Hitman Jones: "how're you?"

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "I am good. And how are you?"

Hitman Jones: "irritated. " he sighed

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "What's wrong? Did something bad happen?"

Hitman Jones: "Targets just keep...disappearing..."

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "How do your targets keep disappearing?" He tilts his head to the side slightly, confused.

Hitman Jones: "I'll go after them, and when I find the location, they are either dead or gone!"

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "That's not good."

Hitman Jones: "especially when the Vargas twins have begun to notice my problem..." He frowned.

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "You mean Italy and Romano?"

Hitman Jones: "Nah, i mean Vene and Roma..."

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "Oh..."

Hitman Jones: he shuttered. "That's not good, cuz then they'll get mad..."

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Hitman Jones: "nah- don't want you to get involved"

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "What do you mean by that?" He tilts his head to the side again.

Hitman Jones: "what I mean, Mr. Honda, is that I don't want you targeted by my boss."

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "I see. Wait, who is your boss, if you don't mind me asking?"

Hitman Jones: "The oldest Vargas. Vene and Lovi call him Grandpa. The rest of us know him as Roma."

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "Oh."

Hitman Jones: he shrugged."By the way, do you know where Ivan is?"

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "Last time I saw him, he was running away from Belarus. But sadly, I do not know where he is."

Hitman Jones: his eyes hardened. "Arlovskaya?" He was referring to Belarus.

Kiku Honda [Japan]: He nods his head.

Hitman Jones: he laughed. "God, i haven't gone up against her in forever "

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "You two met before?"

Hitman Jones: "oh yeah."

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "I take it you two don't get along?"

Hitman Jones: "not at all "

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "Oh..."

Hitman Jones: "well, i oughta go, mr. Honda"

Kiku Honda [Japan]: "It was a pleasure talking to you."

You've left the conversation.

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