I Think It Was A Good Thing I Decided To Leave This Chat

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This is a conversation between Steve (Hetaoni) and yourself, Neko! Japan.

Steve (Hetaoni): Hello

Neko! Japan: ... Konnichiwa

Steve (Hetaoni): It seems you've entered my manor again

Steve (Hetaoni): How brave, or how stupid

Neko! Japan: ... I have a bad feeling about this...

Steve (Hetaoni): You should

Steve (Hetaoni): After all, the Japans are the first to go in each timeline

Neko! Japan: Wait, what? What do you mean by that? *his ears twitch in suspicion*

Steve (Hetaoni): *evil grin* Let me show you...

Neko! Japan: ... [Insert cuss word in Japanese here]

Steve (Hetaoni): I'm going to make you watch all your friends perish, and then you'll join them

Neko! Japan: ... *he was too stunned to speak*

Steve (Hetaoni): And then I'll make you go through it over and over and over again

Neko! Japan: ... I just have a couple of questions concerning this situation.

Steve (Hetaoni): Like what?

Neko! Japan: For one, what do you mean by watching my friends perish over and over again? And what do you mean when you mentioned that in each timeline, I'm always the first to go?

Steve (Hetaoni): In this mansion, time repeats over and over, because of a deal your little Italian friend made with me, to save all of you.

Steve (Hetaoni): And in each loop, many of you die by my hand

Steve (Hetaoni): And in every loop that you die in, you are the first to die

Neko! Japan: ... Italy... he made a deal with you...? *his eyes widened in fear*

Neko! Japan: I know it was to try and save us... But wouldn't that be an emotional burden on him?

Steve (Hetaoni): *evil laugh* Friends do anything to save each other

Neko! Japan: ... ... ...

Steve (Hetaoni): Even taking on such a soul-crushing endevour

Neko! Japan: Why are you doing this?

Steve (Hetaoni): Because it's fun...and nation's souls are delicious

Neko! Japan: That's just disturbing on so many levels... The fact you do this for fun... IT'S JUST WRONG!!! *His ears twitch again*

Steve (Hetaoni): Who said I did anything because it is right?

Steve (Hetaoni): I do what I wish with you pathetic nations

Steve (Hetaoni): Because you all are in my domain now

Neko! Japan: [I have to go, sorry]

You've left the conversation.

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