Chapter Two

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It was starting to get awkward so I
asked a question while me and Andy were walking to the elevator, I ask a simple calm question "It is quite an honor and surprise I can see you with my own eyes, But are you allowed to interview people?" He laughs, But responds in a kind way "Of course, The assistant manger suffers from common heart attacks, He allows other people to help him with any interviews, Editing, Paperwork, All the classic record stuff"

My worries and over exaggerated thoughts had gone away, But there was just one question left in my head, "Hey, Just curious but uh, How did you know I travel far to get here?" He stood quite for about 15 seconds before responding "Sorry, I was just looking at the time, Oh and, I knew because I was here last week to check on my playlist for a song coming soon, Brandon, Or as you know him as the 'Assistant Manager' He was at the hospital and told me to check off interviews that can be prepared; You were one of the people who got checked off be me" Letting out a small laugh I laugh with him.

Finally reaching the elevator, Andy presses the 16 button to head to the interview room/studio.

Once the elevator doors open we walk out to head to the studio room before we enter the room.
He says in such a courtesy way "Don't be nervous or anything, I'll hear out everything alright?" My thinking went away and I stood there just glaring at his blue eyes, Looking like an idiot, I finally unfreeze while he says "I'm just gonna assume that was a okay signal"
He opens the door for me and I enter, He closes the door and sits down on the rolling chair, He twirls around like a five year old yelling "Weeee!" It was hilarious but cute at the same time. "Alright sorry, I just really love chairs that can spin, Its fun, Anyway lets get to the questions" His smiling turns keen; I had a stupid look on my face, Not because I was nervous but because I found it attractive. Trying to look away was impossible, I guess I fell in love trap didn't I?

The first question Andy asked me was:
"What or who made you choose this career?" My response was simple with a touch of detail "I've been told I can make music that is catchy, Its also been a dream of mine to work with musicians, My real talent is being a songwriter, My side talents are creating beats and editing"

"Okay, Next question, Do you know what type of genre your music could be in?" He said, My response was: "Well it could depend on who's singing it, But to answer that question it could be in Rap, Rock, Metal, Pop. If it was a song without a voice in it, It would be in the Rock music section".

He looked surprised "How is it that beautiful women that look innocent create music that doesn't sound innocent" He smiles, I smile back, I had a small blush while I smiled and say "Thank you, It's also quite the same thing with you, Except opposite, Your a fine man that sings innocent music that sounds guilty, But in reality it's guiltless".

He looks at the questions written on his paper he puts it on the desk he was sitting on and says "I shouldn't even be asking you these questions, What you just said to me was a deep come back" He pauses for a moment to think and steps out while saying "Please give me a moment to think about this, Theres food on the left side to you if you would like some" I start to get extremely nervous and say "Thank you, Please take your time" About 13 minutes pass and he comes back, I didn't eat anything because I simply wasn't hungry, "You got the job!" Andy said.

My reaction was blown away, I couldn't even talk "T-Thank you v-very much, It's -... I just don't know how else to even thank you" I felt embarrassment from talking, I didn't even care.

"I just need one favor" Andy said
"What do you need or want?" I said proudly, "Could you hand write me a song next week? If possible?" Andy said, "Yes of course, Rock right? And do you need anything to get in contact with me?" I felt like looking away, He was astonishingly handsome, Somehow it felt like he read my mind.
"Rock/Pop genre, And yes may I please have your number?" Andy said.
"of course!" I told him my number, And he kept it on his friends contacts, I found it suspicious but I wasn't gonna worry over a small contact.
"Here let me walk you to the exit" Andy said, I walk with him in a very proud and positive manner, we both walked inside the elevator, Once the door closes he leans in and puts one arm on the left of my head and the right one on my cheek.
"Do you find me attractive?" Andy says in a firm quiet manner, I was blushing but couldn't hold back and just said it "Yes" I didn't even deny it or struggled, I found him attractive and I want him to know that.

immediately when I said it he kissed me.

There was a spark that lid up in my head, Not in a magical way, In an aroused way.

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