Chapter 2

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 I jolted myself awake. Was that a dream? A throbbing pain arose at the back of my neck. When I had thrown my covers off, I was wearing my clothes. I never were my clothes to bed! I shook off the feeling of my dream being true. I was assuming that I was really tired last night. So, I left on my clothes and forgot the rest of the way home. I walked out of my room into the bathroom. I grabbed a plastic bag and put in my headphones. Yes. I was taking my headphones into the shower. With everything my brother has done, I don't trust him, like I was ever going to. I never have my head phones leave my sight. I take off my clothes and hop into the shower. Putting my headphones on a shelf. The warm water went against my skin. The pain in my neck got worse. I quickly got cleaned up and put on my usual attire. I looked at the clock, 5:30. Sighing, I grabbed my backpack and jogged to school.

^^^^^ Time skip 15 minutes^^^^^^^

"Hey! Where did you go last night?" Asked Brooke. She was walking with me to my locker.

"The coach had me clean up the place." I sighed. I walked to my locker grabbing my books.

"New coach, huh?"


"Hopefully this one is nicer and wont try to punish you for being late."

"It is not my fault my brother barricaded the doors. I needed to escape through the window!"

"The one on the 3rd floor?"


" I thought there was not any trees close to the third floor window."

"There is not. I got a rope" After I explained, a snobby voice joined into the conversation.

"Well. Maddie, how are you? Oh never mind. I don't care how you are! My aunt is the new coach! And I will make this track year the worse......" I slammed my locker closed, and walked with Maddie. That left Alice blabbering to her self and her goons. I had other things to worry about than that Navy blue-headed snot. She always wore dresses. Today it was a neon blue summer dress. I had to worry about how I was going to get to the track meet.

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