Once Upon A Time

209 8 21

(Let me know if those kisses are any good. I didn't watch it.)

This show gives me life. Like you don't even know. It has a history that I might not completely agree with but it still has a greater power than I could ever have. Ohmygods. I'm turning this into a speech about existence. ANYWAYS! You should go watch this show and if you don't watch every episode you will be bloody confused.

Discussion Questions:
What ships do you ship? Who do you have a love/hate relationship with?

My Answers:
Ships- Captain Swan, Emma/Neal/Baelfire, Rumple/Belle, Snow/Charming, Regina/Robin, Zelena/Hades, probably something else

Love/Hate Relationship:
Zelena, Rumplestiltskin, Cora, and a lot of other people


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