Big Brother

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I'm not explaining this but I sure will talk about it. :)

"Holy Crap. Is this real life?"
~Nicole Big Brother 16 & 18

This show started a few years before I was born. My family started watching season one. I've been watching this show since I was born. I can't tell you what happened in the earlier seasons but I did watch them. I mean I barely remember last season. But season 18 is what we're talking about. (The current season)

Discussion Questions:
Would you want to be on Big Brother? Do you ship Jatalie/Natalames? Nicole and Corey or Nicole and Vic? How did you feel about Michelle stealing Pablo? Comments on Jozea being a Messiah? Would you want to be a Spy girl? Favorite member of the cast this season? Favorite returner? Thoughts on Paulie and Zekiyah? Thoughts on PP? Is Julie Chen a goddess? Who should win and who should get America's favorite?

My Answers:
Hell yeah.
Of course.
Nicole and Vic.
Pissed. That was not friendship Michelle.
You ain't no messiah.
Probably Paul. (Alliteration is friendship.)
Used to be Nicole but probably James.
Was funny at first. Then kind of disturbing.
James or Paul will win.
Either Natalie, Paul, or James and that's what the polls said last time I checked so it's destiny.

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