Chapter 2

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I cannot believe I just said that! That's so secondary school! I walked back to my seat when I'd finished brushing my teeth and hair in the toilets, I could easily feel the burning blush creeping up on my cheeks,

"So, you're very sarcastic." I heard his smooth voice in my left ear as soon as I sat down, I covered my face and suppressed a giggle; for some reason every time I'm nervous or embarrassed I always laugh or giggle, it's a bad trait of mine that I inherited form my mother; I can still remember the time I’d got in a fight with a girl in my old school because she was calling my American side (I kicked her ass) and when my parents were called in, my mother had a laughing fit, much to my teacher’s confusion, hell, I found it quite amusing. So when he looked at me in a confused glare it made me crack up and burn my cheeks. After a few moments, he started laughing too, I don’t know why he was laughing, but at least he didn’t see me as a total weirdo.

Soon, the light for the seatbelt came on again and we prepared to land. I noticed that as the plane started tilting down, Zac’s face went paler and paler, also that as it went steeper, he gripped the arms of the chair harder. I let my eyes wonder back up his face and after a few moments, he finally returned my gaze, he gave me a weak smile and went back to burning a hole in the back of the chair in front of him.

After the plane landed, it was easy to tell that he was relaxed because of the dopey relieved look on his face. We both went through bag collection and all the other parts together.

“I swear you’re following me.” I said over my shoulder as we walked out the gates.

“No, you’re following me.” He replied with a cheeky grin, I just huffed.

“Even though I’m in front of you?” I questioned him with a triumphant smile. I turned back around and spotted my Grandma standing by the doors, a luggage trolley waiting. I smiled and ran over to her.

“Grandma!” I shrieked in a girly way and hugged her tightly, she laughed in my ear and patted my back. “Where’s grandpa?” I asked her, she smiled at me and pointed behind me. Sure enough, there was my grandpa walking towards us with a Star Bucks coffee and a bagel in hand. I quickly ran up to him and hugged him as closely as I had my grandma, “Grandpa! I’ve missed you both so much!” I squealed, jumping up and down like a small child that had been told they were going to Disney World.

“Yes, I know, honey. We’ve missed you too, it’s so weird that you’re here on your own.” My grandma said, her smile got wider as she said it, “We got you a present.” She exclaimed like she’d been struggling to keep the secret inside of her.

“Aw, you guys didn’t have to do that.” I said softly. They always did this, they’d get me a really good present then I’d feel bad because I could never give them anything as good in return.

“But, first, you have to get home. Here, I know how much you hate airplane food, so I went and got you this.” My grandpa said pushing the bagel and coffee into my hands. I groaned,

“You guys are doing too much for me! You’re letting me stay with you, you’re giving me a present and you’re getting me coffee!” I whined, but it was a thankful whine, I’d never be able to repay them. My grandma tusked.

“Now, now, the best way for you to pay us back is by making sure you whoop that entrance exam’s butt and get grades.” She said, soothing my hair, I laughed shakily. Here it goes again, pressure, like I didn’t get enough back at home.

“You know I’ll try my best, Grandma.” I said hugging her even tighter. I turned around and hugged my grandpa just the same.

“Enough about grades and presents; how was the flight, were people nice?” grandpa asked me. I suddenly remembered Zac, with a gasp, I whizzed around and caught sight of his dyed hair by the other entrance and he was loading up his luggage onto a trolley and talking to an older lad. I smiled when he looked up and saw me staring at him, now I’m the creep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2011 ⏰

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