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In Zayn's opinion, the quickest days are the prettiest. God has made it clear the day is beautiful, so He purposely makes you miss it all. Zayn obviously has classes and all he wants to do, is skip them. Just to see every cloud change and shadow form on this day specifically.

But he drags himself to class and it goes by exceptionally fast. He finds himself in the library enjoying Chinese take-out with his best mate.

"So, you mean to tell me, you like him? You're screwed, mate." Louis questioned after Zayn confessed his longing feelings about Liam.

"I know. I can't just like my model. Oh god, he's an actual model! You're right, I'm screwed." Zayn was actually panicking inside. So, what looks like freaking out on the outside, is completely different to inside.

"You're seeing him today, right?" Zayn nodded, "Easy. I did some extra research for you."

"Holy shit." Zayn thought because Louis only does research on really important things.

"He's single. I saw several interviewers asking him about his sexuality. Get this, he rejects that question every time. He was seen standing nearby a gay parade." Louis said, increasing Zayn's heartbeat.

This means he actually has a chance. Nice.

"So if that doesn't scream 'gay' I don't know what does." Louis wrapped up his mini presentation.

"But I should still keep my cool." Zayn added.

"Exactly." Louis agreed.

Zayn smiled and continued eating. They went on with their lunch as if it was a regular day. Occasionally, they'd joke about their love life. Louis is indeed currently single and tends to hook up with more people than he should. Disregarding the gender, as well.

"Do you need me to drive you anywhere after class?" Louis asked softly as they exited the library.

"I don't, actually. Thanks again for the research." Zayn said.

They each smirked and preformed their all famous handshake before parting ways. They each went down their one staircase to their class hallways. Just like the previous class, this one went by fast.

He walked out of the university onto the surprisingly dry grass. It still has dew and all but it's not as damp as other days. That, and the sun was out. Now, he expected a regular day at work and then a walk to Liam's house but all that changed when he saw a shiny black jeep pull up into the campus parking lot.

Zayn curiously walked to the driver side of the car and saw Liam sitting there. He motioned to roll down the window and he obeyed.

"What are you doing here? I have work." Zayn said.

Liam shook his head. "I talked to your boss, she doesn't mind. Your mum has placed everything you need in the backseat. If I were you I'd get in."

Something about Liam's way of demanding made Zayn tingle inside. Wait, is he turned on? Either way, he sighed but walked to the other side of the car. He got in and Liam smiled.

As Liam drove, Zayn fiddled with the radio. He switched between four stations, intimidating Liam. "Just choose one." Liam said, finally, at a red light.

Zayn finally picked one. It was a station driven more to the band side of music. Good Charlotte was playing loud and clear. Zayn instantly hummed to the lyrics.

Before he knew it, he faced the grand house that belongs to Liam. He got out and didn't stand for a couple of seconds to absorb it like before. Instead, he followed Liam to the entrance.

"I have a really empty room that was used as a recording studio if you want to use it." Liam offered as he rinsed an apple.

"Can I see it?" Zayn asked. Liam hummed and lead the way upstairs to a lonely room.

Zayn's knees practically fell to the floor once Liam opened to door to a marvelous room. A huge window stretched up and down and across. The wooden floors made perfect sounds when you walked on them. There already was an empty desk, waiting to be piled up with papers.

"You're letting me use this?" Zayn asks, stunned. He felt eyes on him. As if Liam was checking him out.

"Yeah. It suits you, don't you think?" The raven haired lad walked to the window and looked out of it.

"Let me get your stuff." Liam said and before Zayn could offer help, he was gone.

Zayn was feeling funny, and that's not to say Liam wasn't either.

Liam just wanted to carry Zayn's things to come off as a nice and appealing person. As he unloaded a heavy duffle bag, he thought of the things that went through Zayn's mind.

He doesn't want to disappoint him in any way. In fact, Liam cleared his schedule for two weeks, just to give his time to Zayn. It does only seem fair.

Liam sat down the duffle bag on the wooden floor, not noticing Zayn's eyes glued onto him.

"Is this okay?" Liam asks, ripping Zayn from his imagination.

"Uh..yeah. It's-", he noticed the duffle bag. "That's not mine." Zayn says pointing to it.

"I know. The bag isn't yours but the stuff inside is." Liam explained, his face growing warm.

"You have a lot of stuff so I carried it with my bag." Liam added.

Zayn smiled and thanked him, a warm sensation traveled through both of them. It might've seemed selfish, but Zayn went right ahead and set up everything he needed.

He took out the photo of Liam and asked him to sit on a chair across from him. They had a small conversation as Zayn sketched quick warm-ups of Liam's clothes. As he started drawing Liam's face, a little statement took him by surprise.

"You can consider this room yours."

"What?" He croaked.

"I don't need this room and you need the space. So, it's yours." Liam's kindness was too much for Zayn.

Zayn lightly chuckled. "Liam, you are literally giving me too much. I don't know how to repay you."

"You don't have to." Liam smiled so bright, it felt as if it lit up the room.

Zayn tripped over his words but decided to stay silent and continue his work. This was a basic warm up yet, Zayn couldn't seem to focus. This new subject seemed to be messing with him mentally.

That's how he wants to go, his own art destroying him.



Anyway, what do you think? Was it smart for Liam to give Zayn a room to himself? When will they confess their feelings?! XD

I hoped you liked it and I promise an update in around a week or less !

*whispers* ILYSM, stay weird Cx

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