Thirteen: Momma

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As I enter the elevator at Whisper the next morning, I find myself in heavy thought about nothing in particular.

"Sage Walker?" a female voice says from behind me?

"Yes?" I turn and see Angela. "Oh, hi," I say, stumbling a little. Never having actually met Angela I am surprised she knows who I am. After all, this is a very large company.

"I need to speak with you," she says, and I feel my eyes go wide. I don't know what that could mean, but it doesn't sound good. I've seen so many of my co-workers come and go.

"Oh, you do? Okay. Like now, or what?" My voice comes out a little shaky.

"No," she says like I'm an idiot. "Not here in the elevator. Jesus!" She rolls her eyes and I get really uncomfortable. "I'll have my secretary call you and set up an appointment. It will be around noon today or tomorrow afternoon. She'll let you know."

The elevator opens to my floor and I step out, "Okay, I'll see you then."

Angela doesn't say anything as the doors close.

Great! I'm going to lose my job. Just what I needed. Why would I lose my job, though? I've been working my tail off and doing it pretty well.

Strolling passed Gillian's office to pick her brain about this meeting with Angela, but she and Adam are lip locked. I'll have to stop by later.

Kellan takes me to a dinner date, by phone after work. He takes me to a sushi place in midtown while he eats in a sushi place on the Upper East Side.

It's a great date. He makes me laugh out loud on numerous occasions and I find out a lot more information about him. He tells me about his mom and dad, and his brother and his wife. Where he grew up in London and why he loves music so much.

After we talk about him for most of the dinner, he tries to pry into my history.

"Umm, well, my mom and dad died in a car accident. It was the worst night of my life and I don't really like to talk about it. My sister does not talk to me," I say, audibly shutting down, as my voice becomes smaller.

"You have a sister, Sage?" he asks.

"Yeah, but she hates me and disowned me. That's all I'm saying."

"I'm sorry. That's horrible. Does she live in Manhattan?"

"I don't want to talk about it, Kellan. Okay?" I pick at my food and move around my last piece of sushi.

"Can I get the check?" I ask my server.

"I already took care of it, darling," Kellan says with a smooth voice.

"Kellan, you don't have to keep doing that! We aren't even on a real date," I say, but regret it immediately.

"Not a real date, Sage? Did you eat with me? Did you laugh with me? Did we share our time together?" Kellan's accent is stronger, meaning he's annoyed.

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry. That's not what I meant... of course it's a real date and the company has been outstanding." I am an ass!

"These are your stipulations, anytime you want to do this in person; I will be all the happier. I assure you," he says, a little lower.

"I know Kellan. I would love to date you, in person. Thank you for being willing to put up with all this...nonsense." How long will he be willing to do this, I wonder?

As I walk home with Kellan in my ear, I try to lighten the conversation; however, out of the corner of my eye I notice something. A person standing in the shadows looking at me. I can't see the person, but the silhouette looks familiar. He's not tall enough to be Donovan, so it must be Mario.

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