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(Recap- And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Chris was short for Christopher, the guy from before.)
I ran as fast as I can down the hall where Alex said he would be.
After I got there I stopped, trying to find him or Sebastian, any one of them, to tell them what I just realized.
"Hey," someone said behind me.
I jerked my leg back, kicking the person in the shins.
I turned around and saw the guy from yesterday, Xander.
He was leaning over, grabbing his shin, his face contorted with pain.
"You just had to do that didn't you?" Xander managed to say, leaning against the wall.
I tried to do my best, keeping myself from laughing.
"I'm sorry, but to be fair, you shouldn't sneak up on me like that. I just got scared, I didn't know it was you" I said, trying to defend myself.
"Well, I wasn't trying to scare you, I just wanted to say 'hi'," he said, regaining his composure.
"Anyways, what's the rush? Looking for someone?."
"Yeah, um, have you seen my brother, or brothers, either one of them?" I asked.
He paused, looking at the hall.
"Hmm...," he then pointed towards the far right.
"There he is."
I looked over to where he pointed and saw Alex, laughing with a girl next to him. I smirked at that.
"Thanks, uh, can you come with me?" I ask him.
He looks surprised, caught off guard.
"Sure, let's go."
He led me towards the table where Alex was.
"Hey, Violet," he said to me when he saw me, "Xander," he said with a slight nod.
"What's up?"
"Do you know where Sebastian is? I need to tell you all something." I said with urgency.
He scanned the room.
"Well, he's not here so That must mean that he is still in his room. Let's go" he motioned for me and and Xander to follow.
Xander looked like he was intervening or something.
Alex excused himself from the table and then continued to lead us. After many turns, we got to his room.
"Yo, Sebastian, can we come in?" Alexander shouted at the door whilst knocking the door.
"We? Who's with you?" Sebastian asked, also shouting.
"Your sister and her boyfriend" Alex joked.
The door opened.
"Her what!?" Sebastian asked, looking very furious.
He glanced at me and then next to me, where Xander was just realizing what Alex had just said.
"I-i'm not her boyfriend! I just met her alright" he said, trying not get punched.
"Alex, really? Anyways I didn't come here to talk about my non- existing boyfriend. I came here to tell you something important." I say, trying to save Xander's butt again.
Sebastian's glared at Alex who was laughing at him.
"Come in" he grumbled.
His room was very plain. It was grey and white and very clean.
"Sit," Sebastian said, gesturing towards the seats. "So, what is it you need to tell us."
After I sit, I try to be as clear as I can and put my thoughts into words.
"Well remember when I told you about Christopher," I asked Sebastian. He nodded.
"Wait, who?" Alex and Xander asked at the same time.
Oh, right.
"Well remember when you and Sebastian beat up the Yang who tried to attack me?," Alex nodded and Xander looked surprised. "Well one of them snuck up behind me and told me their name which is Christopher." I explained.
"Oh okay, go on"
"So when I was sleeping, I had this weird dream. I don't know how to explain it but it was when I was little, around 10. I had this best friend who suddenly told me they were moving and I started to of course cry. However, in the end, past me mentioned his name. His name was Chris. How come I didn't remember him?"
At first, they didn't get what I was trying to say but then their faces changed.
They shared a look, as if realizing something.
"Why are you guys making those faces?" I ask, feeling weary.
What is going on, I thought.
I quickly opened the door which was my first mistake.
A fireball came hurling towards me but luckily, my shoe laces were untied and I tripped, missing the fireball by a few centimeters.
I quickly peeled myself from the ground only to find myself looking at... A monster. My brother was definitely not lieing.
"Violetta, get back. We didn't teach you about monster-fighting yet!" Sebastian said, with glowing hands.
Wait, glowing hands?
I looked at Xander and Alex and saw that their hand were also glowing.
Out of their hands appeared weapons.
Yes, weapons.
Sebastian had two daggers, Alex had a long, sharp sword, and Xander had a bow and arrow with a quiver on his back.
I want to believe that this is all a dream but my brain knows better than otherwise.
The monster let's out an ear piercing screech and charges in my direction.
What is up with people/ monsters trying to kill me!?
Xander loads an arrow from his quiver and aims while both Alex and Sebastian charge at the gruesome beast.
I thought that they didn't have a chance, three guys and a girl who is very useless try to defeat a 300 pound monster.
Great, just great.
(3rd P.O.V)
She was so tired of being saved, she didn't like it one bit. She knew that if she were to go up there herself, she would get squashed like a bug.
She remembered what her brothers and Xander did to summon their weapons, which wasn't a lot.
She tried her best to focus over the screeching of the monster.
She imagined a weapon, anything. She was desperate to help, she didn't want to be a helpless girl, a damsel in distress. She wanted to prove that she isn't a little girl anymore who was protected by them, her family.
She wanted to save her parents and get them back, and to do that, she had to get stronger.
When she opened her eyes, she saw a blinding silver light from her hands.
She grinned.
She was ready to take on that monster herself with the two beautiful and regal silver daggers she summoned out of thin air.
She didn't get any practice, but she felt as if she'd done this all her life.
She wasn't brave, but she felt no fear and charged at the monster who injured her brothers and Xander.

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