Suicidal Tendencies

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Lina was depressed. She was sick and fucking tired of watching them be happy together while she was left with no one.

She revolved her entire life around Ally. They were best friends since Lina was a kid together, and when Ally asked her out, she was appalled - at the same time, she was shocked. Lina had always thought Ally was straight, until that night when she ended up confessing her feelings for Lina.

"Lina," she said, a solemn expression on her face.

"Yeah," Lina replied as she gazed at the stars.

"I have to tell you something important." Ally said, her eyes laced with an unknown emotion.

"What is it, Ally Cat?" Lina asked slowly. "Are you okay-"

"Yes," Ally said, nodding. "I just need to tell you something."


"I'm in love with you, Lina." Ally said bluntly. "You probably don't feel the same, but I don't care, I had to get this off my chest or I was going to burst."

Lina struggled to form a coherent sentence. "I..." She stammered. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," Ally said reassuringly. "I just wanted you to know I love you."

"I like you, too," Lina said, a shy smile on her face.

"Good." Ally said, smiling.

Without wasting another moment, Ally crashed her lips against Lina's.


Everything was going fine, until Lina's mother died.

Things started to go downhill from there.

Lina literally had no motivation to do anything. She just wanted to lie in her bed, wallowing in her self pity. Ally persisted, of course, it was only natural for her to want to see her girlfriend. But Lina started pushing her away, too, and that's when Ally stopped trying to keep their love alive.


"Lina," Ally said slowly. "We need to talk. It's important."

"Yeah," Lina said glumly. "What's up"

"I..." Ally stuttered, her eyes softening as she gazed at Lina. "I'm...trying, I really am, you know?"

"Trying?" Lina asked, her eyes narrowing. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that I feel like I'm the only one trying to keep us together," Ally explained. "And I...I just feel like you aren't really, well, the same person I was in love with four months ago."

"...I'm sorry...?" Lina said, her eyes widening. "I promise, I'll, uh, fix it! Just please don't do this to me."

"Lina..." Ally said slowly. "'s over. It's me, it's not you, at all. I just don't think we're right for each other."

"That's what they all say, Ally," Lina laughed bitterly, her eyes filling with angry tears. "I love you. You can't do this to me, and expect me to not be upset!"

"Lina, I'm sorry, okay. You've just been putting so strain on me. I'm your girlfriend, not your therapist"

"Ally, I...I'm sorry, please. Just don't this to me. Not right now. I need you, and if you break up with me...I'm afraid..." Lina pleaded, her voice breaking. "Please, Ally."

"Lina, stop making this harder on me then it has to be! I've tried helping you. I have, I promise, but you just don't get that. Like that one time, I tried getting you therapy, and you said, 'No, I don't need it, Ally, I promise you I'm fine.' But you weren't, Lina. You weren't. You didn't want my help when I tried my hardest." Ally said coldly.

"You don't think this is hard on me, too..." Lina mumbled weakly. "You're my girlfriend, my best friend. I love you...and yet here you are, breaking up with me."

"I'm sorry, Lina but you have to deal with it. What's done is done. We're over. I hope you have a nice life, and get the help you need," Ally said, turning and walking out of Lina's house.

Slowly she fell to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks. Am I not good enough for her? Is that why she broke up with me? Because I'm an insane freak? Why? Lina wondered to herself.

Now here she was. Standing on the highway, contemplating whether she wanted to end her life.

She had nobody to turn to. Her mother was dead. Ally had left her for another girl, and because she was acting like a 'psychotic, depressed freak,' and her father was absolutely out of the question.

So what did she have to lose? The answer to that was nothing.

Lina slowly stepped closer to the ledge of the bridge. Cars were driving quickly by not even bothering to notice the young wild looking girl about to commit suicide.

She closed her eyes, counted to three, and stepped forward-

"Stop!" a feminine voice screamed from behind her. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Lina glanced behind her to see a girl around her age. Her hair was a bright red color, its curly strands gleaming in the streetlights.

She was wearing a pair of jeans, and a maroon hoodie, and on her feet she wore a pair of black Converse.

"What are you doing?" The girl asked again, taking a step towards Lina.

"I..." Lina stuttered. She didn't know how to explain to a complete stranger that the reason was she wasn't floating upside in the icy water was the fact the strange girl had stopped her from doing so.

"It's okay," the girl nodded, her eyes softening as she gazed at Lina. "What's your name? You can call me Ren."

"Ren," Lina repeated. "Yeah, uh, my name is Lina."

"Nice to meet you - 'kay, well, I'm gonna get to the point. What the hell are you doing on a highway in the middle of the night?"

"I could ask you the same question," Lina muttered, burying her hands deep within the pockets of her jacket.

"You weren't going to jump, were you?" Ren asked, her eyes widening in realization.

"Why does it matter?" Lina asked, letting out a sigh. "I mean, you don't even know me. Why are you asking me such personal questions?"

"Well, I was hoping I could be your friend," she explained, her lips curving into a sly smile. "And friends tell each other things. So since we're friends, you have to tell me."

"I don't have to tell you anything," Lina said defensively, narrowing her eyes as she slowly took a step backwards. "I don't know you, and I don't want -"

"Lina, let me see your phone!" Ren called from behind her.

"What?" Lina asked, a confused expression on her face. "My phone?"

"Yes. Your phone."

"Why do you want to see my phone?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Because I want to give you my number in case you want to hang out sometime," Ren explained.

"Okay..." Slowly Lina reached into her back pocket, and hesitantly handed Ren her phone.

Handing it back, Ren smiled triumphantly. "I know you wanted to be my friend," she said, smirking.

"No I don't!" Lina denied, shaking her head. "I really don't want anything to do with you."

"Lies," Ren said, shrugging. "It's okay. You don't need to lie. Besides, why wouldn't you want to be friends with this?"

"I'll see you around, Lina." Ren said as she began to walk away.

Lina only stared, her eyes widened in confusion. The only question she was able to think was:

What the hell had just happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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