Chapter One

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Picture is Delilah.

Delilah POV

"DELILAH! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" A warm voice I recognized as my adoptive mom yelled.

"Ugh, yes?" I asked groggily. I opened my eyes to complete darkness.

"Sweety, we finally found you a pair of eyes!" She yelled.

I bounced up, smiling. I screamed.

"Really?! I get to see!" I yelled. I pushed off of the bed quickly. Trina (my adoptive mom) gave me a hand and she led me down stairs.

That's going to be weird...being able to see myself for the first time.

"When is the surgery?" I asked as Trina helped me sit on a bar stool in the kitchen.

"Today sweety. You're going to your new school, being able to see!" She shrieked, suddenly hugging me.

I laughed. Today? That's really soon..

"We have to leave in an hour, so go on. Get ready, girl!" She yelled. I laughed again.

I slowly climbed up the stairs. I felt my way along the walls to the bathroom. I felt my way into the shower and washed.

I sat down in the shower seat and let the water run down my back and face.

Woah.. after 16 years of darkness... I'll finally be able to see the light. I smiled to myself.

I felt down the wall for the shower knob, and I turned it off. This new house is going to be easier to function in. WHEN I CAN SEE!

I started doing a small happy dance, and suddenly I was shot in the hip. Okay, I bumped it on the edge of the counter. Same thing.

After massaging my hip, I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped felt my way back to my bedroom.

With little problems, I locked the door. I made my way to the dresser and slipped on panties and a bra. Then I put on leggings and a crew neck. Then, I put on my converse and my locket.

I threw my waste length hair into a pony tail and grabbed my guide dog from his kennel.

Well, he is actually more like a guide puppy. He just got out of training and is only 3 months old.
His name is Bean.

He guided me down stairs and out to the car where I assume Trina is waiting.

I felt my way on the car and opened the door.

"Get in, Bean." I ordered. He obeyed and I followed after him.

"I still don't understand why you named him Bean." Trina said, laughing.

"Because when I first got him, I spilt a whole can of beans on the floor, and he ate them in two seconds; And, beans are his favorite food." I said, knowingly.

Trina laughed.

"Are you ready, Freddy?"

"Let's go, Joe."

We laughed a little before driving off. I'm so exited!

We arrived 23 minutes later.

"Okay, are you ready?" Trina asked after we parked.

"I'm ready." I said laughing.

"What? I'm sorry. I can't hear you." I chuckled.

"I said, ARE YOU READY?!" She yelled the last part.

"I'M READY!" I yelled back.

"Geeze, you're so loud. Let's go." She laughed, and I joined.

I stepped out of the car and Bean led me into the building.

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