Girls Twerking On Guys!

436 20 13

First lemme say........I looove twerking

Not only doing it but getting twerked ON!

It's the best feeling in like zeeee universe besides the obvious like sex or something duhh!!!!!!

But girls twerking on guys can be sexy for most people

But when the girl is Miley Cyrus and the guy is Robin ithinkimsmoothcauseimadeasongwithtwoblackguys Thicke

That shit is gross AF!!!!!

Like who told Miley to get her FLAT ass on zeee stage and twerk EWWWW!!!!

But we're here for girls who aren't Milley cyrus tweking on guys who aren't Robin ithinkimsosmoothcauseimadeasongwithtwoblackguys Thicke!!!!!!

In opinion it depends on the girls apperance and if she can ACTUALLY twerk (MILEY!)

Cause the boy can look like one of the members from One Direction but if the girl look like BonquishaFelicaMartinaKing and she's twerking like Miguel just fell on her then that makes the whole video look ummmmm...............UGLY!!!!!!!!

Tbh that's all I have to say about this topic Miley Cyrus threw me off :(

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