@PeacePunkPrince On Wattpad Being Fake

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*sighs* I knew this topic was gonna come one day or another! Might aswell talk about it now...........

May I remind ALL of this is my opinion don't go back telling @PeacePunkPrince "Oh your parody was talking about you in their story!!!" -.- Let him figure it out on his own if it helps some of you sleep at night I will tell him myself there is a chapter in my book about them and I might just deciate this chapter to them!!!!


Sooooo.........@PeacePunkPrince real or fake?

In my honest opinion I DON'T know! From what I know he acts like Princeton but iv'e have also heard that he hasn't given ZERO proof either.

I seen most people say stuff like

"Oh, he's fake he doesn't even have the verified wattpad check on the top of his screen!"

Which possibly could mean something cause I don't think Prince has a verified check on his twitter either. But still it couldn't hurt to atleast put a proof picture like him holding a piece of paper saying "I'm Real!" it's only going on wattpad. From what I heard his mangement doesn't even know he has a wattpad and it's not like they check his pictures on his phone cause Beauty from the OMG Girlz said it. (her sexy ass!) ANNNYYYWWAAAYYY sooooo.....yeah it wouldn't hurt to do that right?

But honestly some people told me he's acts and types like Prince. But to be honest iv'e been told the samething..........!

But I'm not calling them fake I'm also not saying they're real cause *shrugs* I have nothing to prove he's real or fake......kinda

But you guys can believe whatever you want.....

I personally think the person is cool AF! Real or fake soooo.......I don't give 245677765 rats assses!

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