Ok for realz now

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Sup. Ok so now im actully going to write the chappie! mmhm! okey dokie!

          After catching up on things with Olivia and getting to know Dan and Seto. My phone beeped and I looked down at it. The screen read, You have recieved a message fromLinkette ;). A grin spread across my face, but before I could check what she said there was a knock at the door. Dan walked out of the room to answer it and I exchanged quisical glances with Seto and Olivia.

         I heard Dan's voice, "Hey Taylor! Come on in!" Moments later Dan walked in with none other than Antvenom following behind him. I gasped, not at the appearence of Taylor, but who was behind him.

"Emily?!" "Linkette?!"

          I sat up and tackled her into a hug over the back of the couch. "YOUR dan's sister?!" she asked with a grin after I let go. I grinned and nodded "Seto's to!" She looked over at Olivia and Seto. "Jeez girlie, you sure have a taste for famous youtubers!" she said, her voice teasing and laced with sarcasam. "Oh yush, I just love me dem famous peeps, I really need to get us matching, 'Sarcasm, just another service I provide.' shirts!" She laughed at this. Taylor came over and wrapped an arm around her waist, kissing her cheek. I grinned wickedly and started singing, "Can you feel, the loooove tonight?" Linkette playfully glared at me, but then Olivia said, "Wow, I didn't know you could sing!" I blushed and chuckled at her, "Weeeeel, you guys know I'm really shy..."

"mmm, yea your right...." Olivia mused

"Dang right, im right! Well anyw-"

"Sing something for us!" 

           I sighed, "Alrght, what should I sing?" a grin placed it's self on Linkette's face "Sing something from Wicked! You sing them so well!" (A/N I really do sing, everyone tells me I'm amazing and I'm an amazing actress, I love singing stuff from Wicked, its one of my favorite musicals. Maybe ill make a video for youtube of my singing one of the songs, and put in a link, dunno.... maybe)


"Sing..... Defying Gravity!"

             I sighed, that one had quite a range, so I was thankful that I had a huge range, (all of this is true) I was truely an Alto but I could sing high Soprano, which was needed for theater.

"Something has changed within me

Something is not the same

I'm through with playing by the rules

Of someone else's game

Too late for second-guessing

Too late to go back to sleep

It's time to trust my instincts

Close my eyes and leap!

It's time to try

Defying gravity

I think I'll try

Defying gravity

Kiss me goodbye

I'm defying gravity

And you won't bring me down

I'm through accepting limits

'Cuz someone says they're so

Some things I cannot change

But till I try, I'll never know!

Too long I've been afraid of

Losing love I guess I've lost

Well, if that's love

It comes at much too high a cost!

I'd sooner buy

Defying gravity

Kiss me goodbye

I'm defying gravity

I think I'll try

Defying gravity

And you won't bring me down

Unlimited (Unlimited)

My future is unlimited (unlimited)

And I've just had a vision

Almost like a prophecy

I know - it sounds truly crazy

And true, the vision's hazy

But I swear, someday I'll be...

Flying so high! (Defying gravity)

Kiss me goodbye! (Defying gravity)

So if you care to find me

Look to the western sky!

As someone told me lately:

"Everyone deserves the chance to fly!"

I'm defying gravity!

And you won't bring me down!

Bring me down!

Bring me down" 

            Ok, im gonna leave it there! I do not own the song, I do not own Wicked, and I got the lyrics from http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/idinamenzel/defyinggravity72444.html Hope you like it! Feedback would be much appreciated! Love you my Fluffy Bannanas! (It stuck...)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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