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I'm Bianca I'm a junior in high school and I live in Atlanta Georgia most people think I'm a good singer which I am but I want to go to college to become a doctor because there's lots of medical problems in my family my mom gave birth to me when she was 16 and my dad died shortly after I was born it's been really hard to live without a dad  I live with my uncle In a trailer that's so small we have to share a bed I'm living with them because I can't get along with my mothers new boyfriend but I don't mind because most of the time I'm with Robert we've been friends since middle school but then he said he had feelings for me and we started dating we've been getting serious lately but maybe just a little 2 serious because now I'm pregnant

16 and pregnant book 1 of 3 Bianca Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum