6 months pregnant

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Robert and I had only been together for 2 months when I got pregnant and things started to change but it's pretty clear that he doesn't want to help considering that my mom and her boyfriend have already paid all that they can and he just doesn't want to pay any money and it makes me feel guilty but we ended our relationship because he decided to ask me for a paternity test so I decided to spend time with my real friends since my dad died my mom and I have been really close but I never wanted to make the same mistakes that she did since I'm due in November I'm taking classes online so I can be finished with school before Madison and Carson are born this is not the junior year I imagined but I'm starting to realize that regardless if he wants to or not Robert will have to help with the baby taking classes online has made me miss the fun things about school so I'm going to homecoming with Erin and it will take my mind off Robert I'm glad I was able to have fun that night with my friends and ignore the dirty looks

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