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~PinkieJin has logged on~
~FuckYouJimin has logged on~

PinkieJin: Please change your username.

FuckYouJimin: y should i?

PinkieJin: Because it is inappropriate.

PinkieJin: Plus I'll take your phone away if you don't.

FuckYouJimin: alrightalright

FuckYouJimin: i'll change it

~FuckYouJimin has changed his username to Juancock~

Juancock: oops

Juancock: autocorrect

~Juancock has changed his username to Jungkookie~

Jungkookie: there

PinkieJin: Why did your autocorrect...

PinkieJin: know what? Nevermind!

~PinkieJin has logged off~
~ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime has logged in

Jungkookie: oh shit

ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime: Oh, Kookie!

ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime: I see you've changed your username.

ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime: Does that mean you will accept my love?

Jungkookie: do you hear that? it's like a cold breeze humming in my ears

ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime: I don't hear anything...


ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime: Why do you do this to me?

Jungkookie: i think i hear the waves smash against to rocks too!

~TaeBug123 has logged on~


ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime: ;-;

TaeBug123: who is ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime?

Jungkookie: some weird creep who tries to seduce me...

TaeBug123: oh really?

TaeBug123: cool!

Jungkookie: no...

Jungkookie: its not...

Jungkookie: pls tell him to go away ;-;

TaeBug123: okay listen here you lil wanker! my little kookie doesn't want you here ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime

ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime: But, Bwi :(

TaeBug123: please I dont even know you

ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime: But I'm your Jimin hyung :(

TaeBug123: last time i recall jimin didnt have any jams... so i dont believe you.

ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime: fine

~ChocolateAbsAndJAMStime has changed his username to ChocolateAbsAndNoJAMStime~

TaeBug123: o hi hyung!

TaeBug123: but why do you have such a long username? it's confusing

~ChocolateAbsAndNoJAMStime has changed his username to Chibin~

Chibin: Good enough?

TaeBug123: yes

Jungkookie: tae tae~ ur the best~

~HorseFace has logged on~

TaeBug123: hYUNG! ^^

Jungkookie: ...

HorseFace: tAETAE! .3.

HorseFace: what?

TaeBug123: HI! ^^ :)))

HorseFace: HI!

TaeBug123: wanna get some juice at the juicebar?

HorseFace: oh boy do i

HorseFace: does the offer also include mango juice?

TaeBug123: of course, my horse!

HorseFace: hahaha then it's a deal!

TaeBug123: then lets go! ill treat you

HorseFace: omg thank you so much! ^^

TaeBug123: no problem hyung :)))

~TaeBug123 has logged off~
~HorseFace has logged off~

Jungkookie: ...

Jungkookie: goodbye V hyung... :(

Chibin: Now you know how I feel!

Jungkookie: shut the fuck up! you know nothing park jimin...

~Jungkookie has logged off~

Chibin: Oh, wow...

~PinkieJin has logged on~

PinkieJin: Who was it this time?

Chibin: It was me Jin hyung

PinkieJin: Stop acting like a martyr, I know it was Jungkook!

~PinkieJin has logged off~

Chibin: Why won't anyone love me back... :(

~Chibin has logged off~

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