Chapter 1

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Hell. The only word I can think of as I walk through the front doors of school. I keep my head down and earbuds in music playing so I don't have to talk to anyone. I open my locker grab my books and head to my reading class. I sit in my seat that is located in the very back of the classroom. I turn off my music and take out my earbuds ready for reading. I love to read books so this is really the only class I pay attention to. My teacher Mr.Mason walks in and everyone sits down and waits for his instructions.
"Okay students we have a new kid here today be nice and try to make him feel welcome.This is Jake Walters ," Mr.Mason says motioning to the boy next to him. The boy had long shaggy brown hair and percing gray eyes. I noticed he was looking at me and I shot my eyes down to my desk not wanting any attention.
"Okay Jake you can just sit in the back next to Mia," at the mention of my name my head snaps up thinking no he can't sit next to me.
"Mia will you please raise your hand," Mr.Mason asks and I obey raising my arm in the air for a moment and then putting it down on top of the desk. I see Jake making his way to the back of the classroom hopeing that he won't chose the chair next to me seeing as I'm the only one sitting on an empty row of desks. But like always my hopes are crushed and the boy sits next to me. Mr.Mason started talking about an upcoming assignment.
"Hello I'm Jake," a low voice next to me says. I turn looking at him. He is smiling at me.
"I know ," I say in a monotone voice showing no emotion. At the sound of my voice his smile quickly fades. Good I scared him off maybe he will hangout with the others who torture me instead of hanging out with a pathetic lowlife like me.
I turn back to Mr.Mason who is saying that we will have partners and he will pairs up tomorrow. I never have a partner, but that is upon request so I'm glad I won't have to work with anyone.

"I hope your my partner ," the boy next to me says. I turn to him.
"Let's hope for you sake your not," I say getting up at the sound of the bell. I gather my books and rush out of the room heading for the library. Yes. Let's hope for his sake he stays away from me.

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