Chapter 2

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I make my way to the back of the library sitting in the back of the paranormal section that no one ever visits. I pull out my copy of Twilight(sorry couldn't think of anything) and start reading.
"Excuse me I need help and the lady up front said to come back here and find you," I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around to see Jake looking at me.
"What do you need help with?" I ask my voice barely audible.
"I was wondering if you guys had any maximum rider books?" He asks looking me over. Good luck finding any skin buddy I'm covered neck to ankles in clothing.
"Yes we do , I'll show you," I say standing up walking over to the collection of books.
"Here they are," I say walking away.
"Wait," he says grabbing my wrist I clench my jaw at the grip he has and how he probably opened one of the cuts on my wrist.
"What?" I ask yanking my arm at his grip and looking into his eyes then at the ground.
"I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime with me?" Jake asks. I look up quickly shaking my head fastly and widening my eyes.
"No," I say quickly stepping back as the hurt in his eyes start to show I turn around running to where my books and bag are. Grabbing them I run out of library heading to the bathroom. I check the stalls and no one is there. Walking to the farthest stall I latch my self into the stall. Pulling my bag off my shoulder I get on my knees. Pushing my fingers down my throat bringing tears to my eyes I throw up yesterday's contents of food in the toilet. Falling back into the stall floor I start crying reaching for the blade in my bag. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. I lay my arm down on the toilet letting my blood fall into it. Remembering how my father hated me and left me two years ago. How my mother hated me after beating me every night until she killed herself. In her suicide note she said that it was all my fault and she hated me no wonder my father left her because of me I was worthless.  They are both right. Everyone is right I am worthless. With these thoughts I black out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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