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buffy lover: hello

meme lord: hello who dis?

buffy lover: I'm... someone who's name you don't need to know rn

meme lord: you sound kinda creepy ???

buffy lover: not as creepy as someone with the name 'meme lord'

meme lord: touché

meme lord: but fr who dis?

buffy lover: I'm... Quentin Jacobson

meme lord: isn't that the name of the guy in that one John Green book ???

buffy lover: I have no idea what you're talking about. That's my real name 100%

meme lord: :/ sure alright. I'll play along to your game 'Quentin Jacobson'

buffy lover: :) thx mate

meme lord: you british too or just a wannabee american ? or you gonna lie about that too

buffy lover: you callin me a liar ? and im a certified brit. birth certificate and all.

meme lord: well, you've already lied about your name.

buffy lover: true. well, sugar tits, i gotta go. see ya later daniel howell ;)

meme lord: bye 'quentin'

meme lord: wait

meme lord: i never mentioned my name ???

'Read at 11:07 P.M.'

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