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Dan lifted his head and then turned around only to see empty space behind him. He looked back at Phil with confusion. "Are you talking to me?" He asked, pointing a finger at himself with confusion written all over his face. Phil's smile fell a bit, but then he remembered the reason he was there.

"Uh... yeah. Anyways," he cleared his throat, "I uh, I wanted to tell you something, but I didn't know how to tell you, so I asked a friend online and he gave me a great suggestion."

Dan inspected him for a bit and then shook his head. "It can't be." He mumbled under his breath. If this was a prank from the popular kids, he didn't think he would be ok.

He had spent so much time talking to the guy online, he had started falling for him. Phil felt the sweat going down his back and then cleared his throat. "Um, I, uh... I wanted to confess to you that I'm..." Phil rubbed his temple, getting more and more nervous by the second. "I'm Buffy Lover."

Dan drew up a blank in his head. "Uh... Could you repeat that?" Phil frowned, not knowing what was going to happen. "I'm Buffy Lover. I'm the one who's been texting you online." Dan stared at Phil and blinked for 1 whole minute. Nothing else but that one small movement. Phil was starting to feel his lip go dry, so he licked them and swallowed the little saliva he had in his mouth.

"I, uh, made you this basket like you suggested to me." Phil smiled and raised up the basket in his arms, hoping that the action would cause Dan to do something. Anything. Dan finally cleared his throat and looked up at Phil, his eyes filled with confusion, hurt and betrayal.

"Were the messages a... prank?" Phil's eyes widened in panic. "No no no! I just really like you and needed a way to talk to you without getting nervous!" Dan looked at him with a puzzles look on his face. He's the creep? Phil? He texted me because he likes me? Phil likes me?

He looked at the mirror he had in his locker and then turned back to Phil completely confused. Why? "Because. I think you're really cute, and I've had a crush on you for about 2 years now." Did I say that out loud? Oh shoot! Dan cringed at himself, not noticing Phil starting to panic thinking that the cringe was for him. "Oh god, you probably don't even like me. I'm so sorry. You can keep the basket. I'm sorry for bothering yo-"

"No! I mean uh, no. I wasn't cringing at you. I was, uh, doing it to myself because I voiced my thoughts aloud. Um, anyways... You like me?" Phil smiled shyly at Dan, not caring how weird it would look for a guy with tattoo sleeves and and a lip piercing to be shy. "Yeah, I really do. And I was wondering if you, uh, wanted to go out with me?"

Dan was about to answer his question when the tardy bell rang for the next class of the day. They both looked at each other and blushed. "I'll uh, text you later, Phil. I'll answer your question and then you have to answer a couple hundred of mine." Dan blushed again before getting his books out of his locker. "I'll see you later, Phil. Uh, bye." He hesitated before reaching in and giving Phil a small kiss on the cheek.

Dan walked off with a wave and hurried to his class before he was late. Phil stood still for a few seconds, watching Dan walk off in his pastel purple hoodie and black skinny jeans. He felt the ghost of Dan's kiss on his cheek, before whispering a "See you later, Dan" into the now empty halls.

He gasped, realizing that he was now late for class and cursed at himself. Phil followed after Dan, remembering that his next class had Dan in it. "See you sooner than I thought."


"Ah, Mr.Lester. Nice of you to join us." Phil rolled his eyes at his teacher, Mr.Matthews, before looking for Dan's seat and winked at him. Dan blushed and looked down at his work sheet. Phil chuckled and smirked. "Can you explain why you're late?"

I got held up by telling the hottest guy in this school that I liked him and then I struggled to put the basket of sweets that he forgot to receive in my locker. He didn't say that, though.

What he said instead was, "Can you explain why your wife left you?" The entire class looked up from what they were doing to chuckle and mutter a string of "ooh"s. "Fine then, Mr.Lester. You just earned yourself lunch detention for tomorrow." He rolled his eyes.  "Whatever." He mumbled, before taking his seat next to PJ.

"I finally did it, dude. I told him." PJ smiled at him widely. "That's great, man! Now go get in a relationship quick so Chris and I can have a double dates!"

Dan heard them, a row and a seat behind to the left and smiled at their conversation. Oh yeah, Phil was going to definitely have a boyfriend by the end of the day.

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