Dedicated to You!

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This book is dedicated to you, someone who has taken the time to read it. I hope you enjoy it, and all the silly, quirky problems that an amateur novel has. :) I hope you will send me feedback, some of it positive (I hope), and some of it constructive. If you send me something that is positively insulting, I will downright ignore it. Sound fair to you?

I wanted to mention, just as a quick note here (though important), that this book was inspired by my best friend. You don't know her, probably not, because she isn't on Wattpad as of yet, but she still reads my stories, and helps me make better ones.

I'm not kidding, she is the TOTAL co-author of "Programmed Not To Live", one of my newest novels recently published on my page. She gave me half the ideas, and most of the traits to my main character, Kia Harts. I see my best friend when I see Kia, and I based practically all of her beautiful, amazing randomness off of her.

I also would like to dedicate this book to my family. They are great, inspiring me to try harder because there's no other alternative in this life. I might be entirely bonkers, but I'll tell you a secret:

All the best are.

Thank you for reading.


Dorothy Anne

Sleeping Shaina (A Fairy Tale Retold)Where stories live. Discover now