Chapter 1: A Dangerous Wish

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Shaina's eyes were on the dais as her father moved to take his throne

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Shaina's eyes were on the dais as her father moved to take his throne. She saw his fingers were curled around the edge of his long, shimmering robe, and knew he was nervous. Being king of such a large country was sure to make you a little bit unsure of yourself, Shaina guessed.

Her smile widened as her father turned around and grandly faced the people. King Ricard Pequest was not ugly, marking the fourteenth king of his legacy, and Shaina knew her father would carry it far. On his head rested the royal crown, with its display of Crown Jewels and masterfully organized spray of gem stones.

Shaina felt her hands tighten on her Vesian fan as her mother came up the dais steps to join him. The queen, though not as tall or grand as King Ricard, was so lovely that it took everyone's breath away. Shaina recognized with a slight satisfaction as a murmur ran through the crowd. Lovely Queen Jeann was the fairest woman in the whole land of Ancare.

The princess bit her lip emotionally as her older brother, Alec, went up two steps of the dais and stopped. He faced the crowd with a cheery smile, letting them know he was proud to be a prince of Pequest.

"Now its my turn," Shaina said to herself, and for a moment, she knew this was the thing she dreaded most: walking up in front of all the Court officials, and the lords and ladies of every crest in this country.

She mouthed the words: help me, to her brother. He quickly turned to the crowd and smiled his most engaging smile. The people still noticed her coming up on the other side of their parents, but they stared mostly at Alec. He was a dreamboat to these people, a regular heartthrob. Shaina grinned as the cheering stopped, and winked at her older brother. He always came through for her.

There was a moments audible pause, then the king stepped forward. "Thank you all for coming today," he said quietly. "As you know, this marks the Annual Oktovenfest that we always celebrate in honor our first king, Styven Pequest."

Her father went on to tell how King Styven conquered the land of Ancare, once wild and inhabited by savages. He even believed there were once dwarves, but Shaina didn't believe that. She had never seen a drawf,and they were obviously too short to go unnoticed. She had decided along time ago, if they exist, someone would have mentioned them toher.

Shaina's eyes fell on her closest friend, Aimee DuPont's face, standing in the last row or the royals. She was holding up her miniature dog, named Stops, so he could see the dais with Shaina and her family standing on it.

Shaina smiled with amusement at the antics of her life-long friend. The short, wiry blonde countess' daughter had been the princess's friend since they were two months old. They were like sisters, loving –and fighting – like they usually do. But a deep love went between them, and Shaina knew for certain she would do anything for her Aimee.

The wooden doors at the end of the room opened, and a boy with blonde curls and snappy blue eyes stepped to Aimee's side. He folded his hands in front of him, and smiled competently at the dais. Shaina smiled at him, but her heart fluttered for a second. Dastif was Aimee's handsome older brother, and Shaina was never allowed to talk to him.

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