Ch. 1. The council

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Max's POV


*dream*  (teacher) and what legendaries do you know? Ummm, i know, Ho-oh, Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, Girritina, Reshiram, Zekrom, uhhh... Kyurem, and... Suicune, Entei, Raiku... Oh Rayquaza, Cobalion, Virizion, Terrikan, Latios, Latias, Ummmm... Articuno, zapdos, and moltres... Mesprit, uxie, Azelf, Mew, Mewtwo, uhhh... Does Victini count? No. Ok... Lugia, tornadus, thunderus, deoxys, landorus, and... Do you know anymore? Yeah... I got it! Black and white Kyurem, Keldeo, Kyogre, and the last one i know is... Groudon.

Have you ever met any? I've seen Mesprit from a distance and my father owns a latias.
Is that it? No, but thats all that i've seen in the wild.
What is your favorite legendary pokemon? My favorite legenday pokemon is- *end dream*

Wake up! Max! Wake up!

*groans* do i have to? Yes, Max. Aren't you excited to go catch your first legendary pokemon?
Wait is that today?! I shouted as he ran back to his room. Yes, dumbo! He shouted back in reply.
I sat straight up as if i had been stabbed with a pin. I looked at the clock, It's 6:20 AM

Uh oh, the council starts at 6:40 doesn't it?! Yes! Thanks for waking me up colin! I ran to my dresser looking for my pokeball belt. Finding it i clipped it on as i pulled up my jeans.
I glanced at the clock, 6:27. Oh i am so going to be late!

I ran to my closet yanking open the door and pulled out my backpack and hat.
I glanced again looking for the shirt, where is it, where is it! I then remembered that i had put it in the laundry last night. I quickly ran to the laundry room and pulled out my shirt and jacket.

Running back by the clock i glanced at the clock, 6:38 yes i was going to make it.
I grabbed my backpack and narrowly avoided tripping over my bed on the way out of my room.
I ran out my room and into the living room, i ran towards the door glancing back to look at the clock and i ran straight into the door.

Rubbing my head i got back up amd began to opened the door. Hey wait for me!
I turned around to see Colin my rival/freind. He ran out the door and i quickly followed behind.
He glanced at his watch we have 20 seconds! We ran as fast and hard as we could, approaching the meeting house we gave it all we had.

I looked down at the ground just in time to see a mudhole hidden by grass. I hit the brakes and skidded to a halt, inches away from the mud pit. I stuck out my arm to stop colin, but i was seconds to late.
He fell into the mud pit and ruined his jacket and shirt. He was a muddy mess. Uh oh, i can't go into the meeting house like this! He said obviously bummed he was going to be late.

I can tell them what happened just go get changed. I sighed, we had been so close to being on time for once.
Ok, i'll be there in five minutes. He said as he ran back to the house that we shared with all the other kids.
Ok i can ask them to wait for you. I repied quiet enough he didn't even hear me.
I then carefully walked around the mud. I walked into the meeting house and felt 17 heads turn towards me.

I walked down the isle and found my father waiting for me, where is Colin? He fell into a mud pit and went to go change.  I whispered to him so not everyone would know about Colins accident.
Ok well i guess we'll have to wait. As soon as he finished that sentence we heard the door open, Colin walked inside
panting and out of breath. I *pant* i'm *pant* here *pant*

Or not. My father replied chuckling at how out of breath Colin was. Ok line up over there he whispered to me. I walked over to the wall with 3 other kids and motioned to Colin to come.

He walked over into line. Still recovering from his run he managed to say, what legendary did you decide on? You'll see i replied smirking. Ok legend chasers, today we have gathered before us our children and cousins that want to join our group. My dad said into a microphone.

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