Ch. 3. The sewer monster

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Max's POV


I walked about 5 steps and heard Colin call out. Wait up! I smirked, i knew that he would have come anyways.
(Secretly i knew about his phobia of being left alone, thats the entire reason he wanted to go with me to catch his legendary.)

We walked in silence for a while with the only sounds being our own footsteps and the water dripping of the ceiling. What type of pokemon do you think that it is? Colin asked just to break the errie silence.

I thought for a minute probably some sort of water pokemon since there is a ton of water in sewers. I pointed out to him.
Yeah but that roar is not any type of water pokemon i've ever heard. Colin said peekng
around the corner to make sure it was safe.

Ok i see the exit. Colin whispered to me.
Then we heard the roar again. This time it was really close to us.
Probably the angry pokemon. I said nervously to Colin. Ok is the cost clear? I asked Colin.

Yes, we should then hurry before we run into it. Colin said suddenly speeding up.
Why? Is someone afraid? I smirked teasing him.
Before Colin could answer we heard a bunch of sloshing water and saw waves coming from the pipe to the left of us.

Haxurus growled. What is it buddy? I asked the Haxurus.

The Haxurus growled lowly again. Before i could ask him another question he grabbed me, Colin, and Lucario, and shoved us into a large crevice in the wall before following himself.
As soon as Haxurus got into the crevice we heard the roar. It was so loud that the ground was shaking from it.

Oh no. Colin said as he pailed. What? I asked him worriedly. I recognize that roar from anywere. He whispered pail as a ghost. Then we heard the water sloshing again and saw something long and blue go by. We didn't dare move.

After about two minutes Haxurus deamed it safe enough to go out. As soon as Haxurus moved out of the way Colin came running out sprinting towards the nearest exit which was about 100 meters away.
Haxurus's reflexs were almost fast enough to catch Colin, but they weren't quiet enough.
Colin wait! I hissed, but he was beyond himself with fear. We're all gonna die! He yelled still running as fast as he could.

Then the worst possible thing that could have happened, happened. Hearing the ruckus that Colin was making, the pokemon turned around and saw us.
I looked back and yelled GYRADOS! Then the Gyrados roared and started charging at us. Haxurus picked me up and started charging towards the exit.

Even with Haxurus running, the Gyrados was gaining. We were a couple meters from the exit when to my amazment, Lucario ran up to the Gyrados and nailed it in the nose with extreme speed.
The Gyrados roared again this time in annoyance instead of anger. He fell back about 10 meters before he began charging again.

This time it was Lucario who got nailed with a dragon rush attack. I watched as Lucario learned to fly and landed right on Colin knocking him down. Under different cirrcumstances i probably would have had
a great time watching this. But now the Gyrados was 5 meters away from us.

Right before it could catch us we emerged from the sewers. Luckly the Gyrados ran out of water and was forced to stop at the entrance. The Haxurus was out of breath and we were ready to get out of here.
I looked around for Colin and then realised he was on the ground a couple meters away breathing hard.

Lets try to get to the next city before nightfall. I said still spooked by our close call.
He replied with a thumbs up despite the fact he was still lying on the ground.
I smiled. Even though he was laying on the ground i was able to get him to do what i wanted to do.
I smirked. I'm pretty persausive arn't i? Shut up and lets go. Colin said obviously annoyed.

Ok lets get going. I said as i finally let Colin go. I want to put as much distant between me and that monster.
I said looking at the enraged Gyrados.

Ok. Colin replied finally standing up. As soon as Colin had stood up the Gyrados roared angrily and attempted to leave the water. But of course he failed.

Arcanine what is the fastest route to Kyurem. I asked the Arcanines, also who
where panting from the run.
The Arcanines sniffed the air a couple times and pointed their noses to the east of us. Ok lets get moving.

I don't want to be around when nutcase over there gets out. As if to prove my point the Gyrados
roared again and started to thrash around cracking the sewer pipes.
I agree with you on that one. Colin replied grimmly. Well thats a first. I said smirking. Don't get used to it. Colin grumbled.

With that we started to walk back into the woods to the East.
We walked all day until it was about 6:00 pm then we finally stopped to set up camp.
I was stuck setting up camp while Colin went to go train his Lucario. He was still a little disapointed about losing the battle with me despite the fact he had a lucarionite.

I decided to play another prank on him and put a ton of salt in his soup. (I was stuck with soup because thats all Colin had brung and he had been in charge of food.) then so he wouldn't see it i mixed
it around for about 2 minutes. I then called for him and grabbed my soup.

Whats for dinner? Colin asked eagerly. Well what did you bring? I asked him back.
Oh... Right. Well at least i like soup. He replied a little disapointed. I don't know about that i said secretly smirking.
He took one bite and i whirled around with a camera and got a picture of his face.

Ew! This soup is disgusting! He said angrily. Well it tastes just fine to me. I said grinning.
It tastes so... Salty! Colin said finally realised what i had done to his soup.
YOU PUT A ENTIRE CONTAINER OF SALT IN MY SOUP! Colin roared. Well what do ya know. I said acting as inoccent as possible.

Oh i get it. He said smiling. I frowned and looked at him. I know that smile, what are you thinking? I asked sternly.
I'm thinking it's time for a pranking war. I smiled. Well i already am winning that.
Well we'll just have to see how long that lasts. Colin said with a smirk on his face.

Hey guys! How is the story going? Good? Bad? Tell me with comments or pms thanks guys~Sybernet

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