12. Where I live

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Title: Where I live.
Author:  @Aesnyctophilia

I live where sadness seeps through my bones and it glows on the inside like the street lights of night time in Chicago. I live in a place where the only color my heart sees is gray because I choose not see the black and white and all of the in between. I live where its often rains. I live where buildings and coffee shops are are made up of all of my insecurities and all of the things I'm not. And skyscrapers are who i want to be.

Where on fridays, getting fucked is a normal thing, kinda how my cousin did when I am asleep.

I live where everyday is like monday- the beginning of something tragic.

And hello is just as hard as goodbye.

I live where waking up tears me up inside. Where the sun doesn't shine and Smiling is a rare thing in photos.

Where it's late and often all I can think about is dying.

I live where loneliness is hung up high for everyone to see like the moon.

I live where the desiree to die becomes the shocking reality that doesn't make me human. So I fight and claw to be something i not just to fit in because i don't want to die that way. i live where my emotions have shaped me. Where the things I feel gave out rules and regulations to be a fuck up. And i followed them.

I live where in a room full of life I could still feel so deadly. And 2 am is really when i come to life because I'm pouring all of my energy into the inspiration to keep holding on, to keep breathing.

I live where the dark labeled as depression is who i am.

Where I Live Contest 2016Where stories live. Discover now