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I cannot perfectly describe the way his cologne smothered my sense of smell when he began to lean in and simply place his forehead against mine, and allowed our gazes to meet. Music blaring into our ears, yet the noise seemingly dimming, softening as the thought of his lips pressed onto mine grew stronger within my mind. And then the way he leaned in further. And I honestly don't know how to explain the way that our entwined lips moved so perfectly in sync. Our breaths harmonizing together consummately. Each breath individually growing warmer with every passing moment. The sounds of our breaths accelerating. His lips caressing mine. His right hand clasping my waist, and his left clenching my neck. His soft, supple lips tangled up in my very own. It was perfect. And I can't describe it the way it deserves to be described, how much more should be said about his grasp, his hold, his lips, his scent, his breathing, his everything.
These moments we shared, each and every one could make up for his words. Could make up for the way I was forced to tip-toe around him in hopes that tonight would be a night I didn't spend crying. Could make up for the weight I carried on my shoulder's for him and I both. But finally, when kisses failed to mend my shattered pieces he had made out of me, and I laid in pain, praying to God to just let me rewind time and take back the words that rolled off of my tongue as I told him I was done; Only then did I realize I did the right thing, the best thing I could ever do. For losing him was the biggest gain I would ever receive.

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