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It's a world so scary that most are terrified to live in. So cruel and so violent that some jump from buildings and bridges to escape.
Most everywhere you go there is blood stained on the pavement of the sidewalk.
Tragic stories of mass shootings. And in the most innocent places. Elementary schools full of angelic children. Quiet libraries where people search for peace but suddenly there are scattered blood marks on the wall.
Skid marks on the streets of big cities and small towns where people crashed their faces into dashboards and glass entered into their flesh.
Broken necks and shattered bones.
A girl, only wanting to listen to music with her friends at a small club in town. Wearing a dress and heels. But unfortunately it's nighttime, the time where she can be grabbed and nobody can see to stop him. A pulled up dress, unwanted hands ravaging across her body. And she can only lay motionless. Scared for her life. But gathering the strength to kick him off as much as she can, with her hands pinned to the ground of an alleyway, she can only manage sobs and screams of "Help me, please, somebody!" And the "no! Please stop. Stop. Get off. Go away." And when he finally has his way with her and is finished. He gets up and walks away, as if nothing happened. She can only cry, and relive the moment for the rest of her life.
A woman and her newborn, only out for formula and bread, now laying on the floor of the grocery store. The woman hushing her child because the gunman threatened to blow the 6 month old's brains out if he heard another peep. Going around holding guns to heads and knives to necks in order to get green.
The world is controlled by money. Pieces of green paper with numbers printed on them. Buy drugs, buy groceries, buy homes and cars. Buy anything and everything with the meaningless dollar bills. The number one leading cause in separating happy couples, so in love but divided by cash, bills, and late payments.
The government keeps the secrets, hidden away from the public and sheltered from the ears of the "lower class." At one point we lived in harmony. There were no shootings of schools and mothers and their children. When you could walk on the streets at night without the fear of being touched when you wished for it not. When the people knew all that the government did. When the world wasn't run by trade agreements.

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