One Reason

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Chapter 5: One Reason

 1:00 PM

“Are you absolutely positive of letting me stay?” I asked as I stopped at the doorway of his marble and brick beach house.

At the back of my head I was begging for him to say yes, but I don’t want to be a burden. I can live in the woods. We’ve been trained enough to ensure our survival. I can hunt, I can cook, I can take care of myself and look for my friends without including this boy in my life’s complicated tangles.

“Allyson. For the fifteenth time within just one hour, my answer remains unchanged.” He held my hand and fixed his eyes on mine after giving his platinum watch a slight glimpse. “Yes.” He said, and led me inside like it was my first time entering his beautiful beach house.

I still felt wrong. I told him about the people who might start to look for me. I told them how dangerous my powers could become when my emotions go haywire. I told him all the consequences of helping me. But still, it never changes how certain he was of his decision.

“But, Caleb…”

“No Buts.” He cut me off as he placed one finger against my lips. He took in a deep breath, seemingly thinking about what he has to say for me to stop my queries. “Here’s what we’re gonna do. First, we’ll have you changed. Cut of your hair, dye them maybe. We’ll make you a new name. You’re too pale, you could use some spray tan. I’ll order tinted contacts for you to change your eye color. I’ll do everything to keep you safe. ” He said, cupping my face with his protective hands. The cold metal ring on his finger makes me shiver inside as it touches my skin, or is it just him.

“And I’m eternally grateful, but that won’t work. Do you know what this is?” I showed him my lead bracelet that comfortably hugs my wrist. He studied it with scrutinizing eyes. “It’s a lead bracelet. And God knows what else is in this piece of metal that suppresses my abilities of radiation emission. Radioprotectors like cysteine and cysteamine of the sulfhydryl group maybe, but I don’t care. What I wanted to say was, it’s also a tracking device. Each one of us has this. They know where we are right now and if I stay and they’ll come for me. I don’t want you to be there watching me get killed. Or get caught and dragged away at least.” I said, not taking my eyes off his beautiful ones.

His eyes spelled worry as he tightened his grip on my wrist. “I will have someone take this fucking thing off of you.” He said in a dangerous whisper.

“No. No. Weren’t you listening? When you take this bracelet off, I will have no control over abilities. I can kill in just one touch Caleb. Without this, I can never go anywhere near anyone.” I dropped my hands, and stepped backwards. The thought of hurting the only person who has accepted me was unbearable.

“So you have no control over yourself when the bracelet is off.” He said almost more to himself than to me.

“Yes. I mean, maybe. I’ve trained a lot but it’s still hard to control it. My vission goes blurry and I can hear everything and it makes my ears bleed. I can, but it’s hard. And my emotions and senses become more heightened as it is. Our emotions are our turning point.”

“If you still cannot control it, then we will not remove that bracelet.” He said in a surprising a-matter-of-fact way. His smile widens, exposing a perfectly straight set of pearly whites. I wonder what he find amusing with our conversation. “If the time comes that you need to run, I will run with you.”

My eyes widened with his statement. “What? No, it’s dangerous.” I said, but he ignored me and carried on with his dramatic speech.

“And if the time comes that were both at the tick of getting caught, I will let you run as fast as you can and I will hold them back for you.” He said as bolts of electric ran through all my veins towards the tightening pit of my stomach. "I will protect you with my life."

“Why?” That was all I could say as he stepped towards me and ran his fingers through my brown waves. We have just met. It’s been just five hours since I woke up this morning and officially met him. Yes, we’ve been in few classes during middle school but why? Why is he swearing to do all this for a mere stranger?

“Because seven years ago, I have met the most amazing girl that I swore to have and to be with till the day I die. She’s been the reason why I wake each and every morning. She was my sunshine when every single thing in my life has been cold, misty and dark.” He breathed. “I have lost her once. And living life hasn’t felt like living at all.” He stepped further towards me. Our faces were an inch against each other. “Now that God has given me the chance to have her back, I intend never to lose her ever again.”

Blood ran on my cheeks, heating them like they’ve never been heated before. My heartbeat was filling in my auditory, making every beat a background to his low sincere voice. And if my eyes were slit just a little wider, I could swear they would pop out of their sockets. I was speechless and the silence filled the air that it was already deafening. And then he spoke.

“I’m in love with you Allyson Hex. Whoever you are, whatever you are. I always have and I've always been head over heels, in love with you.” He pressed his soft lips against mine. 

Authour's Note: Sorry this one's a lot shorter than the previous chapters. I've been quite busy lately. Specially with the upcoming quiz week and exam week. But I promise to make it up to you guys after this shitty prefinal exams. xoxo

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