Author's Note / Prologue

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Author’s Note


[i ráydee àyt]

(past and past participle ir·ra·di·at·ed)

Transitive verb expose somebody or something to radiation: to expose somebody to or treat somebody or something with radiation or streams of particles.

After a radiation exposure, a human cell is ionized and excited, leading to molecular alteration. In the Enzymic repair of our body to the irradiated cells, there are three types of Human Radiation Responses.

            First is the Immediate Effects which includes Hematologic Depression, Gastrointestinal Syndrome, Central Nervous System Syndrome, Cytogenic Damage and Death.

            Second is the Late Somatic Effects which leads to Leukemia, Lung Cancer, Bone Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Breast Cancer and Genetic Damage.

            Third is the Cellular Mutations which causes Genetic Damage, Fertility Impairment and Cell Mutations.

Do you know why X-ray was named ‘X-ray’?

It was named as it is because of its unknown qualities, quantities and equivalent abilities that is still unknown from the day it was discovered (November 8, 1895) until this very day.


In 2050 was a war. It was a great massive war that turned all nations against the allied forces of Germany, Russia, North Korea and China.

In 2052, America was at the breech of surrender. Portugal, Maldives, Indonesia, Mongolia and almost half of the Middle East have individually turned their backs on the United Nations to save their countries.

In 2055, half of the world was ashes and ruin. China and North Korea reigned over the entire Asia as Germany and Russia reigned upon the English continents. Still, America and other allied countries were untouchable.

In 2056, leaded by the president of the United States and the United Nations President, America surrendered.

And there was peace.

That was what everyone knew. Little did they know that the war still lingered while little children go to school and buildings start to rise again.

The US was afraid that war would reoccur when they reclaim their freedom from the Germans and Russians. With this they secretly built an army of boys aged 18 to 26 who volunteered to fight for the country. The government hid them in the small south most island of the Philippines where they trained.

In 2059, the United States research team came up with a radioactive substance which can be substitute to steroids. The muscle mass increased, the bone density increased, the brain function doubled, and the stamina was improved. Each of the secret army had an intravenous shot of the radioactive material- which was named ‘Blue Light’ from its bright glowing liquid form. Confident with the invention and effects of ‘Blue Light’, America reclaimed her freedom, causing once again a very expected was from the furious Russians.

In 2060, America and the other allied nations won the war against Germany and Russia as China and North Korea turned their backs of their so called ‘sister countries’. Dr. Annabelle Davenport- lead inventor of the Blue Light was awarded with a nobel peace prize.

This was the end of the war. This was peace.

The soldiers were now sent home, the researchers and scientists were now able to see sunlight again. Children could now play in their backyards, mothers could finish the grocery without a fight and fathers could finally take a cup of coffee without a gun in hand. Trees were again planted, roads were again cemented, buildings were again constructed and the world has once again been reinvented.

2060 was a year of change after the decade long war. This was also the year when I was born.

My name is Allyson Hex and this is my story.

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