Chapter 4: Master Malfoy-Black

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Slightly early, I know (though, I doubt any of you will complain about that)... I just couldn't wait. I think this chapter is so fun! :-) And I'm not patient. Like, at all.

Kreacher POV

Kreacher muttered to himself as he whisked about the house, preparing it for the Masters. "'Please!' The half-blood is saying 'please!' He is not knowing about the proper way to be treating a house elf. He is not knowing about the House. He is not knowing much at all. The other Master – he is knowing these things. He is being a much better Master. The Black blood is being running through his veins. It is being diluted, yes, with filthy Malfoy traitor blood. But it is being there."

He plumped the pillows violently, causing a great puff of dust and bits of feathers to drift into the air. Kreacher vanished them with a sharp snap of his fingers. "But he is not being the legal owner. The younger, most unworthy, Black heir is being giving the House to Potter. He is not being in his right mind. He is not understanding what the House is needing. He is not even trying. But he is doing it anyway."

Kreacher whisked through the next room, a grisly tornado of dusting, fluffing, plumping, shaking, sweeping. Soap and water, dust and grime, cloth and feathers flew through the air, appearing and vanishing with sudden cracks of magic.

"Young Master Malfoy-Black is not knowing about the House either. But he is being capable of learning. Kreacher is being able to make him know. But the House is still being legally Potter's." The swirling maelstrom paused, and Kreacher's ears drooped. "There must be being a way that Kreacher does not be seeing." His scarred face wrinkled in thought; his whiskery brows drew down into a menacing frown.

His features rearranged themselves into a gleeful grimace. "But maybe Kreacher is being able to make the House be being Master Malfoy-Black's. Maybe Potter is being willing to sign it over." He rubbed his scaly hands together, considering. "Maybe Kreacher is being able to be convincing him." He looked around, startled, at the cleaning implements frozen in the air around him. He snapped his fingers, setting the whirlwind moving again. "Kreacher must be considering how best to be convincing him..." He snapped his fingers again, and a pair of luxurious silk pajamas appeared on each of the beds.

He moved to the bathrooms, whisking in fluffy towels and scented soaps when the tiles and fixtures sparkled to his satisfaction. "But Master Malfoy-Black is not being the only living Black descendant. His mother, little Cissy, is being a traitor to the Black name. She is being following her husband into service to the Dark Lord." Kreacher shuddered. "That is not being a worthy Black path. And Cissy's sister, Bella, is being even worse. She is being leading her husband into the Dark Lord's service. No Black should being bowing to such a one as the Dark Lord is being. He is being a half-blood too." His nose wrinkled. "And their sister Andy is being even worse – she is being disowned. She is being marrying a muggle-born."

Kreacher nodded in satisfaction at the prepared rooms and apparated back to the kitchen with a loud crack. He immediately began whisking around the room, stocking it and readying it for the next day's use. "Master Malfoy-Black is being the only one suited to being Master of the Most Honorable and Ancient House of Black." He paused in the middle of beating eggs for the breakfast pie, sighing mournfully at how far the Most Honorable and Ancient House of Black had fallen, then shook his head, shaking off the momentary gloom. "Former Mistresses Black Cissy and Bella is being coming here soon. They is not forgetting this House. They is being trying to be taking Masters Potter and Malfoy-Black to their Dark Lord." He grinned, showing all his razor-sharp teeth. "But they is not knowing that the House is being able to ward itself against them. They is not knowing that Kreacher is being able to ward the House against them. They is not knowing now. But they is knowing soon."

He cackled as he considered the many ways he could – would – ward against them. Then he began to list the artifacts and books that might help him with both the wards and with convincing Potter to sign the house over to Malfoy. Once breakfast was prepared, he apparated out, off to search the libraries and storage rooms for what he would need.

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