Chapter 34: Plan B

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**Credit for prank ideas (wand switcheroo, chocolate frogs, and buttons) to the fabulous Hydromiss on**

Draco POV

"Mister Potter," McGonagall called, as they all filed out of the Great Hall after dinner the next day, "A moment, if you please."

"Sorry..." Harry mumbled to Draco, letting go of his hand reluctantly.

Draco smiled reassuringly at him. "It's all right. I need to ask Snape something about our Potions project anyway."

Harry nodded absently, already turning to see what McGonagall wanted. Draco, of course, already knew what she wanted. She was going to ask Harry about organizing the modified D.A. She'd already pulled Blaise aside, he noted, and Draco glanced back to see Ron and Neville joining them. Tonks, Lupin, Bill, and Arthur were standing my McGonagall's side.

Most of the non-Hogwarts Order members had elected to stay in the castle for the time being, since everyone still expected Voldemort to attack imminently. It was odd, Draco reflected, going to classes as usual – since the professors wanted the war to impact their education as little as possible, which was completely ridiculous – with all the extra bodies bumping about in the halls. No one seemed to know quite what to do with them. While there was no doubt they'd be very handy to have around, once the attack actually happened, until then they were mostly just in the way.

Draco cursed under his breath as he ducked under a tapestry to avoid yet another lost-looking Order member. They made secret meetings – like the one Draco was now late for – bloody difficult.

Draco felt another pang of guilt as he slipped out from under the tapestry and hurried silently to the dungeons. He hated lying to Harry. But, he reminded himself, you do have a project in Potions. And you are going to ask Snape a question about it. You're just going to do other things while you're there, too. So, it's not really lying. Exactly. As usual, his newly-discovered conscience was not appeased. It's just my luck to end up with a Gryffindor conscience, he thought glumly. It really doesn't go so well with my Slytherin soul.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he reached Snape's office door with no other encounters. He looked around, double-checking that no one was near, and then slipped inside.

"Ah," Snape drawled, "Mister Malfoy. How good of you to finally join us."

Hermione patted his arm as he sat down. "Don't mind him – he's especially grumpy this evening."

Luna leaned in close on Draco's other side and whispered in his ear. "I think he's got a wrackspurt infestation, but he won't listen to me. Perhaps you can talk some sense into him."

Draco frowned. "I – "

"Of course," Luna continued dreamily, "if he would just sit still for it, I could probably drive them out by – "

"Miss Lovegood," said Snape haughtily, looming directly above them, "please refrain from spreading your ridiculous rumors. I have enough to worry about babysitting you children as it is."

"Oh, but, Sev, you really ought to – "

Snape massaged his temples. "Just – go back to plotting with Misters Weasley, please. You're giving me a headache, and I need to speak with Mister Malfoy and Miss Granger."

"Sev," Luna admonished, "you wouldn't get these headaches if – "

"Now, Miss Lovegood."

Luna shrugged and whispered one last, "Wrackspurts," in Draco's ear before moving to sit with the twins.

Draco did his best to hide his grin.

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