Chapter three

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Wade's POV.
I feel the sensation of falling next, the feeling of gravity pulling you to your doom, I push the thing off of me, I need to get a good look but I can't it's pitch black in here, so there's only one thing left to do. I kick the thing and suprisingly the only thing I hurt is my foot, so thing must not be human, and if it's not human than it must be, a ROBOT! But before I could grab it againg I fall into a pipe, the pipe banks I fell like I'm riding a roller coaster, I dont like roller coasters. I plop out the bottom of the pipe but the the robot is already gone, but there were a lot of others. A whole hole of of robots as soon as they here the plunk of me hitting the ground they turn to look at me. I scramble up and try to find the one That got away but all the others surounded me.

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