The hospital visit

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J: Y/N wake up

Y: Huh? oh sorry just was asleep 

J: Why did you say who are you?

Y: well i saw this guy that looked exactly like you and he said you have told him so much about me.

J: for fucks sakes anti!

Y: Woah whos anti

J: my evil twin

Y: you had a twin?!?


Doctor walks in 

D: well mr. McLoughlin you are free to go

J: ok come on Y/N lets go

After we leave the hospital we go to his house 

J: so girlfriend huh?

Y: what oh that um if you want to.

J: ok then Y/M/L/N will you be my girlfriend

Y: yes and how did you know my full name 

J: i was your best friend wasn't I

Y: yes you were 

you guys kiss for awhile then stop you then walk into the kitchen to grab something to eat 

Y: Seán is there anything to eat

J: yah there should be something

Y: Shit! practice is tonight! 

J: oh fuck i forgot come on lets go

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