Just us part 2

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Séan's POV
I wake up before Y/N and I make some eggs,bacon, and pancakes hoping to make them before she wakes up
I wake up to a great smell and wonder what it is I get up and go to the doorframe I see Séan making pancakes eggs and bacon. So I sneak up on him and grab him from behind
J: God motherfucking Jesus
Y: *laugh* you should have seen you face
J: it was not funn
Y: was too
J: was not
Y: are we going to have this argument every time
J:yes we are now sit down its almost ready
Y: oh boy FOOOOOODDDD!!!!!!!!
J: calm your tits
Y: ok fine oh yah what was that question you wanted to ask me about 3 days ago (they have been dating for 2 months  let's say, good? Good)
J: oh well I was going to ask if you wanted to meet my parents
Y: uhh...
J: if you don't want to that's fine
Y: um... Sure I guess
J: good cause there coming out tomorrow
Y: thanks for the short notice
J: your welcome
Y: Shat up I wanna eat
Time skip brought to you by anti (that basterd)
You and seán( i forgot how it is spelled earler) are on the couch together cuddling and watching the conjuring two then the power shuts off
J:for facks sakes
Y:I'll go get the flashlights and candles
J: not without me
Y:*whisper* baby
J: I'm not afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of what's In it
Y: like... Boo!!
J:FACKER!!Don't do that you'll give me a heart attack
Y; fine we won't get the stuff well just use this candle right here and sleep on the couch
J: works for me it makes it *deeper voice* more romantic
Y: *laugh* did ya have to
J:* normal voice* no but I wanted to
Y:Let's just go to bed now it's 1:49
J:ok night
Y: night
You fall asleep on Seán and he falls asleep half off the couch

I'm done its 12:30 on a school night and it's 400 words I'm done night and good morning;Jack out!

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