Opening of her beautiful story

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My name is Rosemarie Hines I'm from Dallas,Texas I'm 88 years old and live in a shed with my little sister who was 10 years of age my mom passed when i was 15 years old, I've been on my own ever since. As a black women it was very tough growing up in the south with a bunch of white folks who have so much hatred towards you but not only you but your skin.

     It was January 29 1934 ,outside in my shed where I lived with my little sister it was the most coldest day in the south, We didn't know what to do but of course the white folks wanted us to still pick cotton and cook there delicious meals we never had the chance to even try ,It was sad all the negroes had to go through so much discrimination and hatred in such a beautiful world God created ,Well that's what my momma always told us back In them days when she was  alive ,She always told me "keep your head held high don't let these white folks tell you you can't believe in the lord cause baby you can believe anything you want and no one can stop yah".I listened and kept on moving forward with those exact words she has spoken, Ever since she died my dad left and abandoned me and my little sister so I was left with a burden on my shoulder as a young woman, but after my momma had passed everything changed in such a tremendous way that I can't describe,  it's like she's with me telling me I will be alright but as you know my mom died from being hanged .As of May 1928 for trying to find a way for us to get out of the south ,My father always told me and my little sister it was our fault that she had passed because my little sister had a mental issue  from being hit  in the head with a bat by a young white girl who's parents told her to  crust my little sister because she was of black skin after that day nothing has been the same ,He thinks we killed her day by day because she had to take care of my sister day and night which he thinks stressed her out and killed her even faster and he didn't want to be left with that burden even when he left the white folks didn't care because in there eyes black men always left their children behind,The laws living in the south was unbelievable, One of the laws in Texas was that whites will receive better healthcare than blacks. Living in texas everything around me was getting Whacky i had to do something to stick up for my black folks ,After hearing about the scottsboro boys and what those white ladies did to them i had to start a movement by joining the ''NAACP'' back in 1933.
Even though we lost are first suit against segregation and discrimination in education for young black children we still strived as the National association for the advancement of colored people even when a Face told us to give up and that we would never win because everyone hates us but not only us but the color of are skin we went even harder.After 1933 after losing the fight of the first suit against segregation and discrimination in education i decided to leave home back in texas to go to howard university to learn more about the NAACP i joined a group from there to protest against the anti-lynching in washington D.C,. April 1949 forty-one senior from texas negro colleges ,led by NAACP southwest Regional Secretary Donald Jones, presented in person their applications for admission to the University of Texas graduate schools, which was denied. 21 year old Herman Barnett became the first Negro student at the University of Texas after 75 years.Life felt like it was getting better after hearing that a black young man has showed white folks that we the people of color can have a education and that we can learn and be as smart as any other race.After moing from home in 1934 i moved back home to my little sister to see how things went without me being there after so many days ,hours ,nights and years of being so far away from home an coming back felt wonderful because i feel like i did my job in a way as i walk down the streets in texas all i hear is gospel music playing in my ear reminding me of my mother and how she told me that the lord will always be with me i felt like she was with me and my sister through everything i no longer felt like i was bad because of my beautiful nourished skin that people always thought was the cause of being such a bad human being.Down to the man that said he had a dream that we all as one not by race but as one to come together to unite ,to let racism go Martin Luther King jr changed the world in such a tremendous way.decades from there we have are first black president who is a good president to many even though martin luther king died before becoming president of the united states in 2008 barack obama changed everything he wasnt just a typical black president he was bi-racial which showed the world that racism should be far behind us.            

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