Chapter 2

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When the lights dimmed some men and women had come back inside and had sat down in their seats, smelling of pure alcohol. This dancer must be pretty good if drunks even know when to come back in to see him perform. As soon as the lights dimmed on a bit and the music played. We could see Jumoke sitting on his knees facing us. His eyes slowly opened as he looked up towards the crowd, now that I think about it. When I first talked to him, his eyes looked dull and lifeless, but yet I could still see how scared he was the way he talked. Now it seems that they're full of life like he's really enjoying himself. His veils were now gripped tightly in the palm of his hands. It almost seemed like he was wearing a thicker skirt than before because his legs weren't shown anymore. There were two fiery red veils lying on the floor circled around him. Once the slow music had started he raised his hands and moved them in a circular motion. you could see the chains hooked around the upper part of his arms to his wrist and middle finger.

He slowly rose to his feet while moving his hips from side to side in sync with the beat of the song. He started off into a spin with his veils as the music started to speed up. It was amazing how it almost seemed like there was actual fire spiraling around him. His hair had moved in a way that made it seem as if it were a third veil and when he stood still, his hair would hang over his arms like a piece of silk drapery I sat there in complete awe. I've seen dancers perform at parties but never like this.

I've never seen someone use these kinds of veils and neither have I seen someone with long enough hair to use it to their advantage. I couldn't tear my gaze away from him. Every movement of his hips, every arch of his back, every spin that he did. I watched them all. My eyes were glued to him and my mouth hung slightly open from being awestruck. It was almost like he was trying to tell a story with his body movements. I could tell that this wasn't a very happy story. His face looked as if he were sad almost. Unless... Am I wrong?

He threw the veils away, then walked near the back of the stage with a slow and seductive kind of walk there were two pieces of what seemed to be a part of his costume attached to his back. he lifted up his arms and the drapery which were actually veils had spread out and they seemed like they were beautiful angel wings. Maybe someone had died in the story? People were cheering and clapping at almost every move he made. Soon after a few spins he then quickly detached the veils off of him as if he had torn off his wings and had fallen then he switched to two other white poi veils like the fiery red. So that's why it seemed like he had on a long skirt. The veils were somehow attached to his waist. He moved his hands in a way that made it seem like the veils were spiraling around him like ghosts and he was trying to ward them off.

The performance ended with Jumoke curled up into a ball with the white veils covering up his whole body in an upwards spiral like a cocoon and the music ended. People stood up and clapped and made whistling noises. I stayed in my seat with Kouen smiling and clapping. I wanted to see more of his dancing. It was absolutely beautiful. Jumoke had stood up with the veils in his hand, then smiled at the crowd and bowed. I could hear the comments coming from people. They were saying things like "He is so cute!"

"I'm gonna buy some private time with him!" "I wish I knew how to dance like that!" etc. They won't get him because he's mine for now... Jumoke had walked off the stage and once everyone sat down. I saw him walking towards us with a tray of food in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.


"Hello again~," The Raven said

"Jumoke you were amazing up there!!" He smiled then sat the trays on the table. "I will be right back just give me a moment to get the rest of your food and to get someone to cover for me, okay?" He winked at Sinbad then sped off again. "Kouen I think I'm in love. Help me."

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