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It's been four years after the events of Afghanistan, and the world is in a worse state than it was back then. S.G.S has grown from a small mercenary outfit, to a multinational PMC company over the years, as they expand to new horizons and opportunities. Sabre team is still the first team on the list of these contracts, as the fearless band of warriors are countlessly protecting freedom at all costs. But not even they know of the oncoming storm that approaches them and humanity itself, as the world steps across the line into total meltdown. Sabre Team have become a death sentence for those who terrorise the world, as they hide in the shadows like ghosts, watching and waiting for days on end for that perfect moment to strike.

The team of five are made of battle hardened soldiers from armies across the world. Emily Cranwell, the British Commando who left to become the most feared assassin in Southeast Asia. Viktor Konev, the Walking Nightmare who survived both Chechen Wars, Markus Flint, the six foot armour plated tank in bomb disposal armour. Martin "Joker" O'Riley, the suave Irish helicopter pilot, and the most feared man in S.G.S, Commander Jay Sabre, an ex United States Ranger with multiple tours of duty, and a few medals to his name.

Sabre has become somewhat of a legend in S.G.S , as he takes up the missions that no one else will. Many times people thought Sabre had fallen in battle, only to find him turning up the next day looking like hell, wanting more. Many say that Sabre himself is the living version of the Grim Reaper, as he purges the land of all that are contracted to him. But only a few people know why he's called this, as it was a certain contract given to him that has earned him of this title. The contract in question, was "The List". A list of S.G.S's most wanted criminals, warlords, arms dealers and international terrorists across the four corners of the globe. It was this mission, that Sabre became a death wish, being feared wherever his name is spoken. It was this mission, that Sabre became a living legend. Our story first takes place in the city of Boston, where Sabre and his team were in a well known bar, drinking away and discussing the last mission they were on. Little did they know about the mission they were going to be given, or the reputation it carried.

Because once you're on the list, you ain't ever coming off it.

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