Chapter 2: Toddler days

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I was about 2 or 3 when I began to start walking and talking. My mom was very supportive and my dad was very helpful for me to learn these things. My sister adored me and loved me so much, and I loved her and cared for her so much as well. As I began to get more intelligent I went to preschool and learned many new things I had never experienced in my whole life! Colors,words,numbers,and friends! Some of my preschool friends are even still my friends till this day! I was in Ms.James AM class at school we would do so many activities and puzzles, it was amazing! It was like my life was just getting so much greater and greater every single second! But when I had to move on to kindergarten I was afraid, I didn't know anyone and they didn't know me. On the first day of kindergarten I walked in and greeted the teacher, her name was Ms.Eadon, and the assistant teacher ms.Dow. I took off my Thomas the train book bag and put it in a little cubbyhole and sat on the rug for story time. I remember that classroom like it was yesterday, all the kids with smiles on their faces, colors and books fillings the rooms shelves and walls, and toys for us to play with! It was absolutely perfect for a toddler like me! I was for sure that nothing bad was ever going to happen....until the day that everything fell apart....

Me, Myself, and IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora