Finding Loved Ones...Or Not.

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I was having a day with my mom when I got a text from my friends saying they had a surprise for me. Mom told me to go and I did after little protesting that it was our night.
I got there and I picked the lock on the carousel because I can pick it fastest.
We turned it on and started riding it.
That was until the cops showed up and busted us.
We were in a cell waiting for our parents to come pick us up.
All of my friends had been picked up but they told me I had to sit because my mom wasn't here yet.
:::Danny's POV:::
I was sitting at my desk working on paperwork when I got a phone call.
"Reagan." I said.
'Detective Reagan, it's Maine police department, I wanted to let you know that we have someone in interest to you.'
"Who." I asked.
'She told us her name was Brooklyn Stevens but-'
"Why do I care about this girl?" I asked and my partner looked up.
'We ran her prints and a missing persons file. Nicole Reagan's to be exact. I just thought that might interest you.' She said through the phone.
I stiffened when she said Nikki's name. My little sister had been missing for 13 years. I had been 25 the last time I had seen her.
"Where are you?" I said urgently.
She sent me the address.
"I have to go." I said to my partner walking out of the precinct.
I got in the car and started speeding away.
I called dad and Linda on the way telling them what was going on and not to tell the others because I didn't want to get their hopes up.
I made it to the address and I was nervous. 
I walked in and scanned the area hoping someone could help me find where I was going.
Brooks POV😗😗😗
As I was lying down on the bench with my jacket under my head as a make shift pillow someone opened the door and told me to follow them.
I did so and the led me to a room where two people sat.
I sat across from them and looked at them questioningly.

Pretend instead of Finding Carter it was Danny Reagan who picked her up and the Reagan family she met. Thanks. I didn't feel like typing the whole your mom isn't your mom scene. Sorry.
After they told me I was abducted by my mom, they sent me with this old guy and now he's taking me somewhere.
I don't know what he is doing because I have had my music blaring for the last 4 hours.
When all of the sudden my phone dies.
Isn't that just a great way to hit a person when their down?
I took out my headphones and I heard the old guy yelling.
"God. You sound like a cop." I said and he looked at me for a second.
"I gotta go. Find her." He said and hung up the phone. "No more ruining your hearing with blaring music?" He said with a hint of a smile on his face.
"Phone died." I said looking out the window.
I guess he got the hint that I didn't want to talk and left me alone. I pulled my knees to my chest and fell asleep.
I woke up to someone shaking me. I was dreaming about my 16th birthday where mom filled out house with heart shaped balloons. I didn't want to wake up I was happy here.
"Mom?" I whispered.
"No, Danny. Just wanted to let you know we are almost there." He said and I immediately moved away from his touch.
I looked out the window where I saw a place I didn't recognize.
"We're here." He said pulling into a driveway.
"Yay!" I said sarcastically not looking at him.
He got out of the car and pulled my bag out of the trunk and walked to my side.
He led the way up the steps and trough the front door. He set my stuff down and turned to me.
"Wait here. I will be right back." He said then turned and walked away.
I walked over to the pictures and looked at them.
From what I could tell there were 5 different kids, except one kid seems to not be there after 2 or 3 years old.
That must the kid that got kidnapped.
I feel sorry for them but there is no way I could be that kid.
I hear the floor creak and I turn around and see a man with Danny. He looks like he wants to cry but is refusing to.
I turn back to the pictures.
He walks over and picks up one of the pictures and shows it to me.
"You know that is you and your brother Jamie when you were 2 and he was 12." He said.
"Yeah, whatever you say." I said turning away from him.
"Let's get you some supper." Danny suggests.
They lead me to a room that was full of people. But there were 4 empty spots.
Everyone slowly stopped talking when they noticed me.
Danny walked over to a woman and kissed her then kissed two boys on the head. He sat down and looked at me just standing there not knowing what to do.
The man sits next and I'm the only one standing, until an elderly man stands up and walks up to me.
I'm apprehensive of him not knowing what he was going to do.
"I wouldn't do that she doesn't really like being touched." Danny says referring to when he woke me up.
The man pulled me into a hug and everyone was watching.
I don't what it was but I knew that I knew this man.
"Pops." I whispered not realizing what I was saying.
He pulled away and looked at me as if I would disappear.
"My god. How much you look like her." He said.
I looked over to Danny to see him smiling.
Like what is remotely funny about any of this?
He saw me looking and stood up.
"Hey, pops why don't we let her get some supper and we can make introductions." He said and I was grateful that he said something.
He led me to a chair and pushed it in for me.
He then passed me food to put in my plate. Let me tell you there was a lot.
I was never going to be able to half of that, let alone all of it.
"Ok. So you already know me and pops. He's our grandpa. Then there Frank and Mary our mom and dad. Then there's Joe, Erin and Jamie our brothers and sister-" he was pointing everyone out before a woman cut him off.
"What are you talking about Danny? 'Our' brothers and sister?" She asked.
"That's Erin ignore her." He smiled and I smiled a bit. I think me and Danny might actually get along to some degree. "Where was I? Oh. This is my wife Linda and these are our boys Jack and Sean. That is Nicky she is Erin's daughter. Then Jamie has a girlfriend named Sydney." He finished and looked at me and saw the confused look.
"What's up?" He asked.
"It nothing. I just thought you said my name was 'Nikki'" I said quotes on Nikki.
After I said that the woman stood from the table abruptly while the man next to her was looking at me in disbelief.
"DO YOU THINK YHIS IS SOME KIND OF GAME? YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN JUST PLAY WITH EVERYONES EMOTIONS? SHE IS GONE DANNY and she's never coming back so take her back where you found and even pay double what she is being paid just accept it." She whispered at the end.
I kind of felt bad for her it was obvious she blamed herself for not finding her sister.
But now I was mad.
And when I got mad you got out of the way unless you had a death wish.
Plus I was already having the worlds worst day.
"Seriously?" I said standing up.
"Brooke sit down." He said trying to calm me down.
"No. She thinks she's having a bad day!" I looked over at her. "I don't even think you know what a bad day is." I said.
"Excuse me?" She said.
"I have had the worlds shittiest day and I would kill to have a bad day like yours." I ranted.
"I don't think you know what you're asking for, you're like 15." She said sitting back down. Danny put his hand in his hands.
"I AM 16 THANK YOU VERY MUCH! AND LETS START AT THE BEGINNING SHALL WE? FIRST I FOUND OUT MY MOM ISN'T MY MOM THEN I FIND OUT MY NAME ISN'T MY NAME AND MY HOME ISN'T MY HOME!" I yelled at her and Danny got up and walked over to me and pulled me into a hug I tried to fight him. But he pulled me closer.
He sat down with me on his lap sobbing into his shoulder. Usually I don't cry in front of people but I just lost my home, my mom, my life.
I was clinging to Danny and I could vaguely hear him saying comforting words to me.
"I think you have said enough Erin." I heard Danny say.
"I just want to know where you found her." She said.
"Maine." He said.
That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

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