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I woke up in a bedroom I didn't recognize and I heard someone downstairs.
Maybe it mom. And all this was a bad dream.
I ran downstairs and went into the kitchen.
"Mom?" I shouted before I got there.
When I opened the door Danny turned around. I huffed.
"Oh. It's just you." I said and turned around to walk away.
"Hey, hey I made breakfast." He said.
"I'm not hungry." I said.
"Well join me at the table. Maybe you'll change your mind." He said.
"Is there coffee?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said and I went to the table.
He pointed out the coffee and I made myself a cup.
I sat there silent drinking my coffee looking at the background on my phone of me and mom.
"So. What do you like to do for fun?" Danny asks.
"I don't know." I said still looking at my phone.
He took my phone out of my hand and looked at it.
He saw that I was looking at a picture of me and mom.
He set the phone down and turned to me.
"You know that we love you, right? We are your family." He said.
"Yeah." I said getting more coffee. "It's just the fact that there is no way that I was kidnapped. None. Don't you get, I don't know tortured when your kidnapped?" I asked him and he laughed.
"Not necessarily." He said chuckling. "Why don't you tell me about yourself?" He asked.
"I can't." I said.
"Why?" He asked confused.
"Because your a blue." I said referring to that he's a cop.
"Oh? Well, you see I'm not a blue I'm a detective." He said smiling.
"That's even worse than a blue." I said trying not to smile because I didn't really want to get close to him.
I felt like I could trust him. Like I knew him before. And that scares the hell out of me.
He laughed and I smiled a bit and continued to drink my coffee.
"Ok. So I have to ask." I said and he looked at me seriously.
"Yeah. Go ahead." He said.
"What was up that girls ass last night. Was it because of me that she was all that and extra bitchy. Or is she normally like that?" I ask him and he smiles laughing silently.
"No, I don't think it was you so much as seeing you for the first time in years. I mean, we all thought you were dead, until I got a phone call saying my so called dead baby sis had been arrested." He said and I laughed.
I was going to tell him something but I decided not to and closed my mouth.
"What?" He asked.
"Um, nothing. I was gonna tell you something but the last thing I need is to be arrested... again." I said and he laughed. "Am I that funny or what?"
"It's a me and you thing." He tries to explain.
"I don't understand." I said frowning.
"Ok. Before you were taken me and you, no matter what the situation, we could always make each other laugh without even trying." He said in more detail.
"Try me." I said.
He went on saying a bunch of random stuff and I had to try very hard not to laugh.
I completely lost it though when he showed me a video of a lion laughing I was dying of laughter and Danny was laughing with me.
Someone came in the room and cleared their throats.
We both looked up to see Frank.
"I'm not interrupting, am I?" He asked looking at us fondly.
Me and Danny looked a each other and died laughing again.
We saw Frank shake his head and I could have sworn I heard him say 'just like old times.'
But we were dying and I was in pain from laughing so much.
I stood up and did a back bend trying to stop laughing.
Danny looked at me and started laughing even harder than before.
"What are you doing." He asked between laughs.
"Trying to stop laughing." I said laughing so hard I fell on my back.
Which my Danny laugh which made me laugh.
"Are you ok?" He asked trying to hide his amusement.
"Yep. I'm just peachy." I said from the floor.
He stood up and held out his hand.
I knew that if I took it I would most likely let him in and I my heart says yes, but my head said no. I didn't know what to do.
Danny sighed and layed down beside me on the floor.
"What's eating you?" He asked nudging me.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I did not get on this floor for you to shrug your shoulders." He said lifting his head.
"I feel like I want to let you in but I feel like I would be replacing my mom." I said I put my head in my hands because I was conflicted.
I wanted to let him in. But I didn't want to betray mom.
"I understand. You've known her longer, and as much I hate to admit it, she is part of who you are." He said and I smiled at him.
The front door opened and people started walking in but stopped when they saw me and Danny on the ground.
"Brooke, you didn't beat Danny up to bad did you?" Pops asks and I laugh while Danny scoffs.
I look at him and raise my eyebrows.
"You don't think I can take you?" I asked.
"Little girl, you weigh 90 lbs. I've got a few pounds in my corner." He said and I got up.
"Let's go." I smirk at him and he looks dumbfounded.
"I'm a cop." He said standing up. "I could seriously hurt." He said.
"Ok. I mean if you're scared all you had to do was say so." I said and turned away to hide my smirk.
"Oh it's on." He said.
"Where?" I ask him.
"Backyard, now." He said and we both ran to the backyard where we stood across from each other.
"Don't go to easy on him Brooke, this is like making up years of sibling rivalry." Jamie said and I smiled at him.
Nikki was looking at me and she nodded when I met her eye.
I smiled at her.
"You ready to back down yet?" Danny asks.
"Are you?" I counter.
"Nope." He says he goes to tackle me but I do a cart wheel and get out of the way.
I am using my gymnastic skills and martial arts.
He turns back around and goes to tackle me again.
This time I do a back hand spring and a well placed kick to the back he falls to the ground.
I turn and laugh.
I fell myself being lifted.
I stomp on his foot, elbow him in the ribs, and elbow him to the back of the head.
He's down.
I kneel beside him.
"Truce?" I ask him smirking.
"Truce." He groans. And stands up.
I stand and offer him a hand up and he smiles.
"Dude you just got your ass handed to you." Jamie says.
"Yeah, how long have you been cop?" Erin teases.
"Shut up. I let her win." He said and I looked at him.
"You really want me to flip you on you ass." I said.
He put me in a headlock and gave me a noogie.
I pulled against his arms but it was no use so I went boneless so that I would get heavy and he would drop me.
Once I went boneless he laid me on the ground freaking out. I closed my eyes trying so hard not to smile.
He started tapping my face.
"Brooke? Brooklyn. Come on wake up." He was getting worried so I tracked him to the ground and everyone laughed.
I sat on Indian style on his chest and fixed my hair.
I looked down and saw Danny scowling at me.
I started dying laughing.
He propped himself up on his elbows making me slide onto his lap.
"That. Was not funny." He said with a serious face and I died laughing again.
"I beg to differ." I said between laughs.
"I thought I hurt you. You went limp while I had you in a head lock." He said.
"It's called going boneless. Makes you weigh more." I said. "Then you started freaking out and it was to good of an opportunity."
We all went inside where Frank ordered a pizza.
The doorbell went off and I got up.
"I got it." I said and Frank gave me the money.
I opened the door and handed them the money I looked up to see my mom.
I walked outside and shut the door.
"Mom? Are you nuts? The whole Reagan family is here. They all want your head extra bloody." I said freaking out.
"It's ok. I'm leaving town. But I can't leave without you." She said.
"Mom? When are you leaving?" I ask.
"A month. I can't be away from you for another night. Isn't that how you feel. But I have to make the preparations." She asked.
"Of course." I said quickly.
"Good." She said handing me a key with a gummy bear key chain and a burner phone.
"This is to the apartment that I got us. And this is one call. Use it if you hit any snags my numbers in there." She said.
"I love you." I said crying.
"I love you more." She said wiping my tears.
"Not possible." I said shaking my head.
"Yes possible." She said nodding her head.
I hugged her then pulled away and went inside.
"Be safe." I said before closing the door.
I looked at the key and phone in my hand and I knew I had to leave this place.
My mom is my real family.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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