What do you like about me?

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She is wearing the one on the right.
The next morning I went to see my friends and got the license plate of some person following me.
Then I went home and found Nikki doing the dishes.
I walked up to her.
"Well, it's official. You're the good teen." I said.
"Are you hungry, grandpa made a plate." She said smiling.
"A cop who cooks. He really does do it all." I said picking something off the plate.
"Actually I made that." She said.
Then she told me about this frozen yogurt shop and I asked if we could go.
We got there and Nikki turned to me.
"Do you know what you want?" She asks.
"Uh, yeah, yeah i do. I'll meet you inside." I said.
I walked over to the guy giving out samples.
"Excuse me. Hi. Um. Who do I talk to about getting a job here?" I ask him.
"That would be me." He said.
"Listen... Zubin. You want me to work here. Trust me it is the opportunity of a life time." I said.
"Really? What's so great about you?" He asks.
"I want it to be a surprise when I show for work tomorrow. 2 o'clock sound good?" I asked.
"I guess?" He said.
"I'll uh, I'll see you then Zubin." I said and walked inside.
Nikki walked towards me with a guy about our age.
"This is my friend Gabe, and this is Brooke my long lost aunt." She said.
"Hi." I said.
"So. Welcome home, I guess." He said.
"Yeah thanks." I said.
"It's been a bit of an abrupt transition. She didn't know until yesterday she had been kidnapped." Nikki explained. "And she doesn't remember any of us."
"Holy crap. You must be majorly freaked out." Gabe says.
"Yeah. To be honest I'm trying not to think about how freaked out I am." I said chuckling.
"Hey. There's a party. Would it help to go to a party?" Gabe asks me.
"Yeah. A party pretty much solves anything. At least for a couple hours right?" I ask looking at Nikki.
"I don't know, I've never been to one." Nikki said.
"You've never been to a party?" I ask her.
"Not that didn't have a goody bag." She said and Gabe and me laugh.
"Wow. So glad I did not grow up here." I said.
"Let's go." Gabe says and leads us to his car.
Nikki looks reluctant so I grab her arm and pull her with me.
A little while later at the party I was surrounded by a bunch of people at a table.
I poured a shot and grabbed a lighter.
"It's not that hard, it's not that hard." I said lighting the shot on fire. "The secret is" I said and put my hand on the shot. And lifted it in the air the shot glass sticking to my hand. "Don't hesitate." 
They cheered and asked me how I did it.
"Well as a wise man once said 'science yo.'" I said and we all took shots.
The night continued like that until we went home.
I was drunk but only buzzed. Nikki however got wasted.
Gabe was driving us back to the house.
"I don't believe you." I said laughing.
"It's true." He said.
"Mean girls is not your favorite movie." I said looking at him.
He started singing the song and I joined in.
"Oh jesus." I said laughing.
"Ok. But that's a secret. I use bad grandpa as my cover." He said.
"Oh really?" I ask. "Ok. I won't tell anyone." I said.
"You're very cool." He said.
"Thanks. So are you." I told him.
"I'm sorry it's been so rough for you." He said I looked down. "At least you made one new friend."
"Yeah, you know what? You're actually my first one here." I said to him.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked me.
"Not at all."
He started leaning in and I turned my head away last second and he pulled away.
"Sorry." He apologized.
"No, I-" I started but he cut me off.
"To fast, we can take this a lot slower." He said.
"No, I- we can't take it all. I'm sorry. I just-I can't do that to Nikki." I said.
"Do what to Nikki?" He asked.
"Come on I know you're not dumb." I said giving him a look.
"Well let's pretend I am." He said.
"Nikki likes you." I told him.
"Yeah, we're friends. Since like the second grade. She's like my sister." He told me.
Just then someone knocked on the window and shined a flashlight in the car.
"Ah, what the hell?" I said and rolled the window down. "This isn't a coal mine. Would you turn that off." I ask.
"Gabe? Is that you?" Danny asks.
"Hi Mr. Reagan, Ms. Reagan." He said.
"Do you have any idea what time it is? Where's Nikki?" He asked me.
"Chill. She's there." I said pointing to the back seat.
"Erin. Oh my god." He said shining the flash light back there seeing Nikki unconscious.
"It's ok. She's just drunk." Erin said helping Nikki.
"She may have had a pot brownie or two." I said looking at Gabe.
Erin and Danny helped Nikki inside and I got out of the car and leaned in the window.
"Listen thanks for tonight." I said.
"I had fun." I added.
"Me too. And I'd like to do it again." He said.
I smiled.
"We'll see." I said. "Is he still standing there?" I asked him.
"Yep." He said nodding his head.
I groaned and pushed myself off the car and walked away.
Frank raised his hand to stop me.
"Obviously I'm happy that the two of you get along. But I'd prefer it if you didn't pass on your bad habits to Nikki." He said.
"My bad habits?" I chuckled. "So, there are already things about me that you don't like? What are they?" I ask.
"What I meant to say was-" I cut him off.
"Just name one. Or, I don't know you could name something about me you do like. Name anything you know about me at all." I said and brushed past him.
"I am trying to get to know you. But you seem to be doing everything you can to avoid me." He said and I turned around and walked to him.
"Thats because your stiff, your humorless, you're a control freak, you operate from this place of fear. You know my mom used to tell me everyday that she loved me. And I haven't heard you say it once not to any member of your family." I said and walked inside.
I went to work the next day in time and was taking selfies with the customers.
Someone grabbed my arm.
"What about me? Can I get a picture with you?" Danny asks.
"Um. Yeah." I said.
We took a selfie.
"You know you're lucky." He said.
"How so?" I ask.
"You brought Nikki home drunk on one of Erin's good days." He said smiling.
I went back to the cash register to work and I saw a cup with a bunch of gummy bears.
"That is my kind of yogurt." I said looking up and saw my mom.
"Um. That'll be $4.80" I said trying not to cry.
She slid me a five the said 'love you more.'
"Not possible." I said letting tears go down my face.
"Yes possible." She said.
"Mom." I said.
"I'm so sorry." She apologized.
Cop cars pulled up and surrounded the building.
"Um. Back here." I said pulling her to the back room. "Here. Put this on." I said giving her an apron and visor and free samples.
"Brooke I'm sorry."
I saw Frank walking towards the door with some guy.
"I'll be back." She said and left.
Frank walked up to me at the register.
"Where is she?" He asked.
"Where is who?" I ask.
"Brooke this place is surrounded by police. I promise you Laurie Stevens is not going to get away." He said and I turned to him.
"You need this many people to catch her? The woman can barely throw a frisbee. Though it was fun to watch her try." I said after seeing mom get away. I found out that Gabes dad is the one who followed me. "No, you know what? You were right. Laurie Stevens was here." I said and he straightens up.
"She risked her life just so she could see me for 5 seconds. Just to tell me she loved me. Because she is my mother. And you've taken me away from her. You wanna find my abductor? It's you." I said walking away crying.

Nicole ReaganTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang