Chapter 7 (Draw My Life)

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I got enveloped in a giant hug. He sighed.

"Aww, I'll miss you so much." Lewis muttered as he continued to slowly crush me in his arms.

"Lewis. Can't. Breathe." He loosened his grip and held me in a proper embrace.

"In all seriousness though. Have fun with your Draw My Life thing."

"I will. Now have fun with your insight in the Dad world."

"Of course. Might be pretty useful this time around. Be safe on the drive home. I'll see you in a weeks time." He gave me a small peck and made his way into the airport.


Finally, I'm back home. Now if I just lie down right here... I hear a knock at the door. This caused Bearger to engage in a barking fest. I sighed as I stood up and made my way to the door. I opened it to be greeted by Carlos.

"Look at you. Looking tired as always." I swear, he's one of the only guys I'll ever let say that to me. He walked in as I shut and locked the door and crashed into the couch, I felt Bearger jump onto my back and lie down.

"Oh haha, how funny."

"Well. This place definitely screams out Lynelle."

"That's cause I am Lynelle."

"I totally never knew that. So, when are you gonna start that Draw My Life Thing?"

"When I finish finding photos." I watched as he reached into his bag and pulled out a stack of photos held together by a large rubber band. He threw the stack to me and sat down next to me. I removed the rubber band and the photos ranged from when I was a baby all the way to yesterday. I guess Lewis sent him some stuff.

"You're welcome."

"You never fail to impress me."

"That's because I'm already above your standards."


The finished the drawing process with all my pictures now all that's left to do is read out my story.

"Hey guys and welcome back to another Draw My Life. Now, I did do this for my 3 million subscriber milestone but that was pretty rushed so now I'm back with 14 million and photos. How nice. Baby Lynelle. Anyways let's get to it.

In the city of London... Oh goodness, come on Lynelle, you should be able to draw England properly. It all started on the 20th of October, 1987. At exactly 11:27pm I was born with my little twin brother Lucas following shortly behind at 11:32. I know. Pretty late for the day but yeah here's me and him. Both weighing in at about 6 pounds or around 2.7 kilos for anyone else out there. I grew up to be far more different than the other girls at school. I was always hanging around the guys, I'm not quite sure why. Maybe I just found them more interesting to be around. I had one main friend during my childhood. Ever since I was two years old I grew up with my closest friend/companion/my other half, Carlos Jamesridge. This little cutie right here. My closest cousin was also a guy. Ethan Maskin. Great guy right here, like an older brother.

Early in childhood, I seemed to be pretty fearless. According to my parents, whenever we visited the pet shop or the zoo I would would always continuously whine about how much I wanted a pet tarantula, giant hissing cockroach aka the giant cockroach or a python/anaconda. Yeah, I have no idea. Since that my mother was scared shitless from all of these things listed, I was obviously not allowed to get any of these which saddened me but hey look, it's a picture of me holding a small snake. My parents also stated that after the creepy snake, insect and arachnid phase I still kept them as a pet interest but I thought of something new. This was by far the most normal out of the list, I wanted a zebra. As you can see, this animal stuck with me. Plus the wolf, who doesn't like wolves?

Moving on, school was great. I was pretty smart back then. Well, when I say smart. I was only really good at Science and Math. All the other subjects, I was pretty average at or the teacher hated me but yeah whatever, screw history. School was pretty boring.

There was that one time I decided to climb a tree but being me, I ended up falling off the branch and breaking my arm due to the impact, yes, it was a pretty tall tree. They even gave me a boring cast. Plain white but no worries. My artist of a bestie named Carlos was quite the artist. After everyone signed my cast in marker, he grabbed some metallic markers and drew around the signatures. Behold the amazing red, green and black abstract looking zebra. Just look at it. Isn't it great? The hour of staying still was worth the wait. This was all in Year 10. I was a great 15 year old.

In Year 11 my school held a prom/formal and being the daughter my father raised me to be (embedding the idea of boyfriends being a waste of time until the age of 18 into my brain) I didn't have a date but I ended up going with Carlos because we were both loners. Actually no scrub that, we had guys and girls chasing us around but we stuck with each other. Honestly, I don't know why we had so much attention. Just look at us. So unattractive. Except for my hair. I had great hair.

2006, In the place I like to call hell I spent 5 years of my life studying for a masters degree in chemistry but believe it or not, at the exact same time I was getting a degree for biology. Yes, this was University. I chose these two degrees as I was aiming to become a toxinologist. I don't really know why but my younger self had a pretty strange obsession for the different venoms and toxins within animals, plants and other things like microbial organisms.

The year after I graduated and received my masters degree for chemistry I found out about YouTube being a job. So being the ambitious 24 year old I was, I tried it and soon enough, in under two years I hit a million subscribers. A while after that, I decided to quit my job at being a toxinologist to do YouTube full time. I guess I'll just pick up that career again when my channel decides to die out.

During my time on YouTube I've been to numerous different conventions and met many different creators. Earlier this month I've made a pretty big decision moving out of London and into this seagull infested place called Bristol. As we all know this was because I accepted the offer to join the Yogscast, this was proposed to me by Xephos aka Lewis. Another creator I met back in 2014 at E3. Long story short, he's the co-founder of the Yogscast. Owning like 55% of the company. His partner, Simon owning the rest of the 45%. Also around this time I got a dog and named him Bearger. Yep, I named him after the Bearger in Don't Starve: Reign of Giants. You know, the giant that scared the hell out of me.

Now, if you've been following my Instagram or Twitter, you'd probably already know about this but if you've only been following me on YouTube then here's the news. Before I tell you guys, let's see if you get it after this photo, or this one, maybe this one, or that one, or maybe these ten photos. Alright two weeks ago on March 24th Lewis became my new boyfriend. If you came over from the main channel or have been a Yognau(gh)t before I joined in, don't kill me. Please.

Anyways that's the end of this video. Hope I didn't bore you guys with my boring life but hope you enjoyed anyways? I don't know. I'll just go now." I stopped the recording.

"For your information, I looked amazing when we were 15." I rolled my eyes

"Whatever you say. I'm gonna edit this then enjoy a nap." I started heading towards Lewis and I's bedroom where my computer is. "Explore Bristol I don't care just don't break any part of your body and don't die."

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