Chapter 10 (I Unsheathed My Wooden Weapon)

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I'm sitting in my office practically waiting for something to go wrong. I've finished all required tasks of today, all doable tasks for tomorrow and now there is officially nothing to do. Well, there is one thing I can do. Walking out of the office, I headed to the kitchen to make myself a lovely cup of matcha tea then returned to my office. I might as well sit in the corner of this lovely, little office room because why the fuck not?

"Hey Lewis, have you seen- why are you sitting in the corner of your office hugging a cup of tea?" Duncan stood from the doorway as he stared at me in confusion. "Are you bored again? Do you want me to fetch you something you can entertain yourself with?" I blinked at him, leaving a few seconds of silence to grow until I broke it.

"When you say it like that it makes me think you're going to hand me some sort of dildo."

"Well in reality, I was going to hand you a stick. I suppose you could use it as a dildo. I might hurt a little, you know, splinters." Where are we going with this?

"What exactly were you going to ask?"

"Oh yeah, right. Well, I was looking for Sam but I haven't seen him anywhere today."

"Sam? He should be walking in any moment now." He peered out the doorway and I assume spotted him. He ran out but also ran back in to throw me a stick. He shut the door. As I twirled the stick in my hand I knew exactly what must be done. I snuck over to Lynelle's office and crawled in. She watched me from the doorway as I continued to sneak closer.

"Oh my. I wonder where Lewis could be. Oh Lewis." She called mockingly. I unsheathed my wooden weapon and poked her in the leg and collapsed to the floor.

"Lynelle." I muttered. I watched her as she crouched over me.

"Yes, Lewis."

"I'm bored." She then leaned down to briefly kiss me as she hovered above me on all fours. As she pulled away I continued to stare at her. I licked my lips and detected a sweet and subtle flavour.

"Raspberry chapstick?" She smiled and kissed me on the nose. How cute.

"You got it." The door suddenly flung open to reveal Kim who may have turned a little red. That's a lot of force for someone so small.

"Sorry to intrude but I was wondering where the spare headsets were. They aren't in the box they're usually lying in."'

"In the live streaming room in the left hand corner." She said her thanks and shut the door again. Lynelle collapsed onto me and pretended to snore. "Is this really necessary?"

In the middle of her snores, "Yes." She continued. I mentally gasped as I realised my opportunity. As she continued to take her fake nap I did the unthinkable. Poke. "Did you seriously just poke me with your damn stick again?"




He's actually being serious. He went out with Duncan, Sjin and the rest of the Yog-boys but get this, he told me to look after his damn stick. I have an idea. I took out a small, red, velvet pillow that I previously bought for a skit and placed the stick on top of it. I picked up a styrofoam pedestal placed the stick on top of it. Perfect. As I looked at the makeshift Stick of Truth, I happily flopped back down onto the couch. I heard the door open and looked over to see Carlos/Calvin walk in. As he set down his bag he looked at me. He sighed.

"Flubber flubber flubber, there's whales in the rubber." He muttered as he sat down on a beanbag. I snickered at the stupid line we thought of in order for him to prove himself to be Carlos. There was a last bit and he must've sensed my gaze as he finished the act. He stuck his arms out. "Mayonnaise."

"You're silly." He shot up to stare at me.

"I'm silly?" Oooo he's triggered. "You're the one who made this stupid sentence up. It makes no sense." He was exasperated but I on the other hand was very amused. He seemed to calm down as he looked over to the other end of the room. "Is that The Stick of Truth?" He stood up and was almost about to touch it before I tackled him. "Hey! You can't just tackle someone like that." I grabbed the stick.

"Yeah, I can. I have the Stick of Truth which means I control the universe, and I say tackling you out of no where is okay!" I snickered as he groaned at the reference.

 I have the Stick of Truth which means I control the universe, and I say tackling you out of no where is okay!" I snickered as he groaned at the reference

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"Get off of me."

"Can I have a please?"

"No." He said in a deadpan voice. I leaned down.

"I'm sorry what?" I wasn't looking at him but I sense his eye roll.

"May she who controls the universe please get off of me." I stood up.

"See. All I needed was a please."

"All I needed was a please." He mocked. I hit him in the head with the stick. "Ow!"

"Ow!" I mocked.


I entered the living room to see Lynelle asleep with her body on the ground but her feet on the couch. I then notice that my stick was resting on a red, velvet pillow on top of a styrofoam pedestal. Duncan peeked over me using his tallness.

"The Stick of Truth!" He exclaimed. As he snuck his way over it was as if Lynelle's ninja side kicked in cause she went from being asleep to running around with the stick while Duncan chased her.

"How eventful. They're chasing each other for a stick." I mumbled as I turned on the kettle for a cup of tea. They're like children. By the time I finished my tea, they were still going.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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