Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

She looked scared to death.  Her pulse was fluttering like a hummingbird against his skin as he held her hands. Had he gone a bridge too far in issuing what amounted to an ultimatum?  He didn’t have the finesse or the necessary soft touch when it came to women. Too much time spent on his career and too little time spent pursuing anyone beyond a casual dinner and screw.

She swallowed hard, her voice trembling when she finally broke the silence. “When you get tired of me, let me down easy. Okay?”

Jackpot.  Her entire body softened as his grew hard as stone.  Who knew that giving in to utter insanity would be such a turn on?

“Don’t worry. I won’t ask you to move in with me until our sixth date,” he answered, only half joking.

His mouth covered hers in a kiss calculated to mark her with his possession, his desire.  Jake poured all of the passion he’d hoarded in his heart for so many years, afraid to give in to something he could potentially want more than his vocation.

Piper’s hands curled into his grasp, her nails digging in, marking him return. He loosened his hold, hoping she would wind her hands in his hair as she often did when he kissed her. It was pure bliss, her tiny hands pressing him closer, keeping him within her orbit — as if he could break Piper’s law of gravity.

Her mouth opened under the pressure of his kiss, allowing him to sink into her sweet taste and scorching heat.  She kissed like it was the only thing in the world, not just the pregame show but whole damn Super Bowl.

His hands found their way underneath her skirt, hungry to feel the silky heat of her skin, the curve along the back of her knee, the satin texture of her thigh.  She was wearing these tiny, barely-there panties made of lace and her arousal warmed his seeking fingers.

Piper’s own hands were busy. Nimble fingers undid his tie, unfastening his studs to expose his throat to her mouth. Her tongue licked, her teeth nipping as his skin burned with a thousand points of fire — each nerve-ending transferring the pleasure up and down his body. She sucked against the hollow of his throat and his cock jumped, hardening to the point of pain.

With a groan and a hunger for just a taste, Jake lowered his head, nudging aside the silky straps of her dress until he could see the rosy tip of her nipple underneath a layer of emerald green lace.  Undeterred by the barrier, he suckled her through the fabric bringing it to a hard peak as her hands found their way to his hair and pressed him closer.

“Fuck, Piper.” He ground himself against her thigh as she bucked against him in answer. If they kept this up he’d come in his pants like a teenager. “Let’s go. My place is closer.”

She gave a short shake of her head before her hands left his hair to travel down to his waist.  It wasn’t until he felt his button slip through the hole that he understood what she was doing. His hands reached automatically to stop her but they were pushed away just as quickly.

“Here?” His voice was a harsh croak against the background of party music and rippling water.

“Yes, here.” Piper’s nimble little hands lowered his zipper and suddenly his aching cock was cradled in the sweet tunnel formed by her fingers.

Mindless with lust, he thrust into her hand, his body contradicting his words. “Anyone could walk up at any minute.”

“Well, then you’d better hurry.”

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