Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

She had no idea what had possessed her but it felt way too freakin’ good to stop.  The thought of Jake, inside her, over her, with the moonlight shining down on them made her crazy. She had to have this moment. Nothing else would do for their first time.

She almost wept when his body relaxed and he shifted to ease down the length of her body. She shivered as he leaned back on his knees, lifting her skirt and exposing her to the cooler air of the evening and the heat of his gaze.  He was an image of pure sex — hair disheveled, shirt open and tie askew with his erection jutting from his open pants. Her mind was on sensory overload, the thrill combining with anticipation and creating a cocktail that went straight to her head.

Her gasp joined his groan as his hand petted her lace-covered mound, his long, surgeon’s fingers tracing every dip and fold.  His eyes flickered up to meet hers for one brief moment before he leaned over, pushed aside the lace and suckled her clit.

Her eyes slammed shut, hands clenched in the summer-soft grass as she panted her desire out into the air. Jake groaned against her flesh as he delivered an endless press of kisses.  Reduced to a pile of boneless mush, all she could do was open her legs wider and pray he didn’t get a call from the damn hospital. If he did, she’d have to shoot somebody.

He stopped his caress and her eyes flew open and found his in the moonlight.  Jake was propped on one hand, pupils blown with lust as he pumped his cock in time with the harsh breaths escaping from lips glistening with her juices.  It was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen.

Piper reached up, her hand cupping his face as her thumb stroked his lower lip. They were on the brink of something game-changing for both of them.  Neither of them knew if it would last. It was a gamble. She wouldn’t miss it for the world.

“Jake, I need you.”

Her words spurred them both into action.  Panties were gone. Condom retrieved from her purse and smoothed on his cock.  And then months of wanting, weeks of doubt and indecision all came down to one moment of held breath and a gentle push.

“Holy shit.” Jake groaned through gritted teeth as entered her body, filling her with his desire.

Piper arched up into his invasion, her body screaming for the pressure, the ache, the fire. A breath, a sigh, escaped her body as he fully seated inside her and they began a slow glide of passion.  Jake pulled almost all the way out before easing in again — an easy rhythm calculated to make it last.

Sounds of the party now seemed a million miles away.  The trickle of water in the nearby fountain, the chirp of the cicadas blending perfectly with their moans and cries as their bodies demanded more.

Jake trailed open-mouth kisses along her neck, cheeks, and lips.  The muscles of his shoulders rippled under her hands, his hair tickled against her palms. The moon was bright over his shoulder as she leaned back and let him take her on a ride of pleasure. It was magic. Tendrils of fire coiled in her belly and sparks skittered along her skin, the combination causing her to shiver.

“This is so good. So good.” Jake breathed against her ear before he traced her jaw and claimed her mouth in a carnal kiss.

“Yes. Oh, hell, yes.”

His total invasion — cock and tongue mirroring the others movements — triggered the beginning of her orgasm.  Jake’s hands cradled her face as he broke the kiss and looked down at her, his features taut, betraying how close to the edge he was with his own pleasure.

And then, it was upon her.  A frisson of lightening that started in the base of her spine and then traveled along every nerve-ending. She closed her eyes and the image of the bright, full moon was imprinted there with multi-color sparklers. She held onto Jake, her only anchor to this place, as he thrust into her and claimed her ecstasy as his own.

This was the good stuff.  His weight upon her.  Muscles relaxed and limbs boneless as they remained one body, joined intimately. The time to be savored before the awkwardness of “oh, shit what have I done?” settled in the air. But, somehow she knew this time would be different.

And it was.

Jake shifted his weight off her, pulling her with him so they remained entangled as they faced each other.  He leaned over to give her a lingering kiss, a little tongue and a lot of heart.

“You okay?” His eyes traveled over her face, tenderness in every glance.

“Oh yeah.”  Piper laughed.  The giggle spilling over her lips and joining others as his face broke into a grin. “Paging Dr. Ash. Woman in need of mouth-to-mouth. Stat.”

“Are we going to play doctor?” His previously relaxed expression perked up at the suggestion.

“Uh huh. I even have a nurses’ costume.”

“And I have a stethoscope.”

Piper leaned in to kiss him, his infectious smile keeping it light and easy but no less potent. “Sounds like we have a plan for date number five.”

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